Marine Science Program

Degrees Offered:
Master of Science
Professional Science Masters
Doctor of Philosophy

Graduate Program Director:
Dr. Andy Danylchuk, 160 Holdsworth Way, 311 Holdsworth Hall, Amherst, MA, 01003; 413-545-2940;

Graduate Admissions Coordinator:
Dr. Andy Danylchuk, 160 Holdsworth Way, 311 Holdsworth Hall, Amherst, MA, 01003; 413-545-2940;


The University of Massachusetts Intercampus Marine Science (IMS) graduate program is an exceptional place to earn your advanced degree in marine sciences. We have crafted a comprehensive, multidisciplinary program to match the complex, multidisciplinary nature of marine sciences. Our local, regional, and worldwide partnerships provide a unique learning experience for students and professors alike. Our Mission is the scientific understanding, management, economic growth, and sustainability of our marine environments. Though our program is wide-ranging, our common focus is on the magnificence of our aquatic ecosystem and its contribution to humanity, which moves us efficiently toward our goals.