Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences

Manning College of Information and Computer Sciences

Computer Science

100 Computer Science Building

Degrees: Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts

Contact: Undergraduate Program Director
Office: 100 Computer Science Building
Phone: (413) 545-2744

Dean: Professor Laura M. Haas. Chair of the Faculty: Professor Erik Learned-Miller. Associate Dean of Computing and Facilities: Professor Prashant J. Shenoy. Associate Dean of Educational Programs & Teaching: Professor Ramesh K. Sitaraman. Associate Dean of Student Affairs: Professor Jack C. Wileden. Undergraduate Program Director: Senior Lecturer IIMarius Minea. Associate Dean of Research & Engagement: James Allan. Distinguished University Professors:  McCallum, Sitaraman, Towsley; Professors: Allan, Arroyo, Barrington, Berger, Brun, Ganesan, L. Haas, P. Haas, Jensen, Learned-Miller, Lee, Levine, Marlin, McGregor, Meliou, Miklau, Sheldon, Shenoy, Siegelmann, Sitaraman, Venkataramani, Weems, Wileden, Zilberstein; Associate Professors: Domke, Hajiesmaili, Houmansadr, Iyyer, Kalogerakis, Mahyar, Maji, Niekum, O’Connor, Taneja, Thomas, Wang, J. Xiong, Zamani, Zhang, Zuckerman; Assistant Professors: Bagdasaryan, Castro da Silva, Datta, Fiterau Brostean, Gan, Green, Guan, Karkar, Kim, Krastanov, Lan, Le, Ma, Musco, Nguyen, O’Neill, Rahimi, Rozpedek, Serafini, Thompson, Van Horn, Vardoyan, Y. Xiong, Zhai, Zick; Senior Lecturer II: Davila, Golin, Kermani, Liberatore, Minea, Rattigan, Richards, Swanier, Thota, Trim; Senior Lecturers: G Anderson, Chiu, Klemperer, Obara; Lecturers: E Anderson, Bovornkeeratiroj, Mei, Parvini, Reilly; Research Professor: Berman, Woolf; Research Assistant Professor: Bissias, Grabowicz, Sarvghad; Professor Emeritus: J. Kurose, J. Eliot B. Moss.