Department of Earth, Geographic and Climate Sciences

College of Natural Sciences

233 II Morrill Science Center


The Department of Earth, Geographic and Climate Sciences emphasizes teaching and research on the on the history, processes and spatial relationships that shape the world we live in, with a focus on Global Change and Earth Dynamics. Our programs are ideally suited for students interested in the physical, spatial and social dimensions of Climate, Water, Natural Hazards, Natural Resources, Environmental Change and Sustainability. We prioritize our undergraduate learning experiences to concentrate on engagement with real-world problems, authentic research experiences, applicable skills, and societal relevance.

Bachelor of Science Degrees:
BS in Earth Systems
BS in Environmental Science (jointly with Dept. of Environmental Conservation and Stockbridge School of Agriculture)
BS in Geography
BS in Geology with concentrations in:
    Earth Science Education

Bachelor of Arts Degrees:
BA in Geography with concentrations in:
    Human Geography
    Urban Geography
    Climate Change & Society
    Globalization & International Studies
    Environmental Geography & Sustainability
    Geographic Information Science & Technology
BA in Geology

Professors: Boutt, Brigham-Grette, Burns, Castañeda, Cooke, DeConto, Gaubatz, Leckie, Williams, Woodruff; Associate Professors: Gao, Larsen, Medina Elizalde, Petsch, Vogel, Yu Assistant Professor: Winnick; Senior Lecturers II: Jercinovic; Senior Lecturer: Applegate, Bowlick, Crow-Miller, Salacup; Lecturers: Cook, Thomas; Extension Associate Professors: Clement, Hatch, Rawlins; Research Assistant Professors: Karmalkar, Yellen; Research Associate Professor: Cook; Adjunct Faculty: Alverson, Condron, Francis, Kanamaru, Panish, Taylor, White.