
All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise specified.

504 Plant Morphology
With lab. Origin, early evolution, classification of plant life. General introduction to plant kingdom, major features of plant morphology. Survey of major groups of fossil and living plants. Dissection of living plants. Study of microscope slides and plant fossils. Prerequisite: introductory course in biology. Credit, 4.

510 Plant Physiology
Presentation of principles needed to appreciate the physiological mechanisms unique to plants. General areas include components and functions of cell structures and mechanisms of development. Examples from recent literature consider genetic engineering, sensory processes, and protection from biotic and abiotic stresses. Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 100-101 or BIOLOGY 103.

511 Experimental Plant Physiology
Optional laboratory to accompany BIOLOGY 510. Credit, 1.

514 Population Genetics
Focus on evolutionary processes affecting the distribution of genetic variation through space and time: gene flow, genetic drift, recombination, mating system, mutation, and natural selection. Includes overview of molecular population genetics and the neutral theory of evolution. Prerequisites: BIOLOGY 280 or 283 or equivalent: MATH 127 or 128 or STATISTC 111 or equivalent.

521 Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
With lab. Detailed approach to the structure and evolutionary relationships of vertebrates. Evolutionary and functional significance of structures in different groups. Lab involves evolutionary trends and specializations, experience in dissection. Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 102, or BIOLOGY 100-101. Credit, 4.

522 Vertebrate Fossils and Evolution
Introduction to vertebrate history emphasizing fossil forms. Topics include: skeletal morphology and evolution, modes of life of extinct animals such as dinosaurs, faunal change over time, and relationships among the various groups of vertebrates. Lectures and lab at Amherst College Pratt Museum, with study of display and other fossil specimens. Prerequisite: introductory course in a biological science, geology, or physical anthropology. Credit, 4.

523 Histology
With lab. The relation of cell, tissue, and organ microscopic structure to function. Discussion of major tissue types: epithelia, nerve, muscle and connective tissue. Lab includes light microscopic identification of various tissues and organ systems (primarily mammalian) and related electron micrographs. Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 102 or BIOLOGY 100-101. Credit, 4.

528 Principles of Evolution
Advanced course for students who have already taken an introductory course in evolution. Evolutionary mechanisms and evolutionary history, including evolutionary genetics, the role of chance in evolution, speciation and species concepts, the origin of life, the tempo of evolution, extinction, the evolution of behavior, evolutionary history of selected groups, research methods in evolution.

530 Biology of Invertebrates
With labs, field trips. Survey of biological relationships, structure, ecology, and distribution. Emphasis on aquatic (freshwater) and terrestrial non-insect groups. Use of keys for identification. Mandatory collection. Prerequisites: BIOLOGY 101, 102 or equivalent. Credit, 4.

531 Principles of Molecular Evolution
Advanced course focused on the evolution of macromolecules and the reconstruction of evolutionary history of genes, proteins, and organisms. Lectures, computer demonstrations, and laboratory exercises. The laboratory section (BIOLOGY 597M) required.

540 Herpetology
Synopsis of the anatomy, evolution, systematics, and behavior of major living lineages of amphibians and reptiles; special attention to the New England herpeto-fauna. Lab: diversity, morphology and behavior; some dissecting required. Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 521 or consent of instructor. Credit 4.

542 Ichthyology
With lab. The biology and evolution of fishes with a focus on the structure and function of major living groups. Topics include an overview of evolution, systematics, and biogeography of recent and fossil fishes, functional anatomy of feeding and locomotory systems, reproduction and reproductive behavior, physiological adaptations to aquatic habits, etc. Lab: anatomy, diversity, systematics and functional morphology of major lineages. Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 521 or consent of instructor. Credit, 4.

544 Ornithology
With lab. Avian systematics, phylogeny, behavior, ecology, etc. Lab includes bird identification, anatomy, censusing, field studies. Prerequisite: upper-level biology course or consent of instructor. Credit, 4.

548 Mammalogy
With lab. Lectures and readings on comparative biology and evolutionary relationships of mammalian groups. Lab involves detailed introduction to the New England mammalian fauna and study of selected representatives of other groups, emphasizing adaptation. Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 100-101 or 102 and any life science course beyond the introductory level. Credit, 4.

550 Animal Behavior
Animals have evolved a remarkable diversity of behavioral patterns, used in a wide range of ecological and social contexts. Our first goal in this course will be to examine the mechanisms responsible for the expression of behavior: for example, how do birds locate prey; how do crayfish avoid becoming prey; and how to crickets and birds develop species-specific communication signals? To help answer these questions we will make use of neurobiological, hormonal, genetic, and developmental perspectives. Our next goal in the course will be to examine the evolutionary bases of behavior, asking for example why animals move, forage, hide, communicate, and socialize as they do. To address these questions we make use of optimality theory and other behavioral ecological perspectives. Other topics in the course will include sexual selection, human behavior, and the role of behavior in establishing biodiversity. Prerequisite: introductory biology or psychology course; or consent of instructor and at least sophomore level standing. Credit, 4.

559/560 Cell and Molecular Biology II
Selected aspects of cellular structure and function including regulation of the cell cycle, chromosome structure, and experimental methods. Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 285 or equivalent. Credit, 3 (559, lecture only). Credit, 4 (560, with lab).

564/565 Human Physiology
With lab. Mechanisms underlying organ system function in vertebrates; nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, digestive, excretory, reproductive systems. Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 285 or consent of instructor. Credit 3 (564). Credit 4, (565), with lab.

566/567 Comparative Physiology
With lab. Physiological principles involved in adaptations of animals to their environments. Credit, 3 (566). Credit, 4 (567, with lab).

568/569  Endocrinology
With optional lab. The role of hormones in the growth, metabolism, and reproduction of mammals. Molecular mechanisms of hormone action, environmental and feedback control of secretion. Current issues in endocrine physiology. Prerequisite: physiology (e.g., BIOLOGY 297A or 564/5), or consent of instructor. Credit, 3 (568). Credit, 4 (569, with lab).

571 Biological Rhythms
The formal, molecular, genetic, cell biological, and physiological analysis of endogenous oscillations in plants and animals, including their entrainment by light and use in photoperiodism and navigation. Circadian, cicatidal, and circannual rhythms emphasized. Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 285 or equivalent.

572 Neurobiology
Biology of nerve cells and cellular interactions in nervous systems. Structural, functional, developmental, and biochemical approaches. Topics include neuronal anatomy and physiology, membrane potentials, synapses, development of neuronal connections, visual system, control of movement, and neural plasticity. Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 285 or equivalent; or BIOLOGY 100 or 102 and PSYCH 330; or consent of instructor.

574 Cell Motility and the Cytoskeleton
The molecular and cellular basis for motion of whole cells and cell organelles. Topics include muscle motility, ciliary motion, amoeboid movement, cytoplasmic streaming, nuclear migration, mitosis, and membrane-cytoskeletal interactions. The assembly and regulation of mic-rofilaments and microtubules examined. Prior completion of biochemistry recommended.

580 Developmental Biology
Physiological and biochemical aspects of development. Labs include discussions, demonstrations, computer modeling and experimental work. Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 560 or equivalent.

583 Advanced Genetics
Current topics and advanced concepts in genetics with techniques for answering fundamental biological questions. Theoretical and experimental approaches to gene and genome structure, functional and genetic analyses, recombination, mapping, developmental and quantitative genetics. Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 283 with grade of C or higher.


597 Special Topics

 Animal Communication
This course will explore animal communication from several biological perspectives. We will explore how animals use different modalities of communication (sound, smell, electricity, etc.) and how these modes of sending and receiving information are limited by environmental constraints and their functions. We will look at the physiological and anatomical aspects of signal production and perception. The class will discuss the different types of messages encoded in signals and how they evolved. We will explore the evolution of sexually selected forms of communication (antlers, bird song, etc.) and the theories that attempt to explain their function and evolution. The lectures/discussions will draw on examples from a diverse selection of animals (insects, fish, birds, and mammals). Students will also work on projects where they will learn how to analyze and interpret different forms of vocal and visual communication.

Lecture, lab. Methods in data capture and analysis with emphasis on biological problems. The “R” computing environment used with traditional and novel approaches, including time series, morphometrics, sequence data, and experimental design. Prerequisite: MATH 127, 128, or equivalent.

Information Technology in Biology Education (1st sem)
Examines three topics in the specific context of biology education: 1) what principles underlie how people learn; 2) how these principles of learning can guide technology implementation; and 3) what the real-world practicalities are of using these technologies for teaching. Student projects include evaluating a technology product being used for biology education and developing a lesson for students that employs information technology to teach biology.

Plant Evolution
Basic concepts and theories in micro- and macro-evolution of plants. Brief review of diversity of photosynthetic organisms and the methodologies employed to investigate plant evolution. All recent developments in evolutionary genomics, evolutionary developmental biology, and evolutionary ecology of plants. Prerequisites: BIOLOGY 100, 101, 280 and 283.

621 Topics in Plant Ecology: The Biological Basis of Wildlands Policy (alt 2nd sem)
The ecological and social consequences of the disappearance of wildlands. How to judge whether conservation policies are biologically sound, how to design ecological research to improve them. Focus on current research and controversy. Participants present seminars and collaborate on a joint review paper. Consent of instructor required.

696 Special Problems
Directed research project on some problem in biology. Credit, 1-6.

698A Practicum
Credit, 1-12.

699 Master’s Thesis
Credit, 10.

722 Vertebrate Paleontology
A rigorous analysis of the vertebrate fossil record. Topics include: vertebrate systematics, morphological trends, transitions, functional anatomy, and faunal evolution. Additional 1-credit lab available. Offered alternate years. Four class hours. Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 521 or 522 or equivalent. Credit, 4.

750 Advanced Animal Behavior
Topics from active areas of current research (e.g., communication, development, behavioral ecology, sociobiology); emphasis on critical analyses of theory and methodology. Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 550, or consent of instructor.

789 Writing for the Life Sciences
Principles and techniques of producing written papers (abstracts, figures, tables, etc.) and oral presentations (slides, delivery, etc.); curriculum vitae; job interviews; professional ethics. Prequisite: consent of instructor. Credit, 1-3. 

791C Writing for Graduate Students

791D Vertebrate Paleontology Lab
Hands-on study of fossil and modern vertebrate skeletal material using museum collections at the University and Amherst College. One 3-hour lab per week and some independent study. Prerequisite: current (or previous) registration in BIOLOGY 722. Credit, 1.

796 Special Problems
Directed research project on some problem in biology. Credit, 1-6.

896 Special Problems
Directed research project on some problem in biology. Credit, 1-6.

899 Doctoral Dissertation
Credit, 10

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