
All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise specified.

511 Insect Behavior (2nd sem, odd yrs)
Specific behaviors of insects analyzed from physiological, ecological, and evolutionary perspectives. Topics include communication, defense, learning, competition, spacing patterns, orientation mechanisms, dispersal and migration, host and mate finding, food selection, feeding, courtship, production of young, and social behavior. Prerequisite: PLSOILINS 326 or equivalent, or consent of instructor. Averill

523 Biological Control (2nd sem, even yrs)
Ecological principles of pest suppression via conservation, augmentation or introduction of natural enemies of insects, plants, and other pests. Biological control presented as foundation of sustainable agriculture and integrated pest management. Applications discussed for biological control in both production systems (farming, forestry) and for protection of natural ecosystems and rare species from damage caused by invasive, exotic pests. Van Driesche

572 Forest and Shade Tree Insects (2nd sem, odd yrs)
With lab. Ecology, biology and control of insects that attack shade trees, forests and forest products. A brief introduction to insects; attention to the more important forest and shade tree insects. Credit, 4. Elkinton 

574 Medical Entomology (2nd sem, even yrs)
An in-depth analysis of the role of arthropods as disease vectors, including taxonomy, life history, epidemiology, and vector control, with particular focus on the major diseases transmitted by mosquitoes and ticks. Also examines how modern advances in molecular biology, immunology, genomics and theoretical population biology have improved our understanding of these systems and may lead to new intervention strategies. Rich

581 Integrated Pest Management (2nd sem, odd yrs)
Theory and application of the principles of insect, disease, and weed pest management; emphasis on insects. Focus on pest and natural enemy sampling techniques, properties of available control strategies, underlying ecological and behavioral principles, model pest management systems and societal concerns. Prerequisite: PLSOILINS 326 or equivalent or consent of instructor. Credit, 4. Van Driesche

655 Systematic Entomology (1st sem, even yrs)
Introduction to systematics: the identification of insects (primarily adult forms), current methods in systematics. Extensive insect collection required. Prerequisite: PLSOILINS 326 or equivalent. Normark

657 Insect Structure and Function (2nd sem, odd yrs)
Growth, development, and function of insects. Topics include the integument, endocrine control of growth, development, metamorphosis and reproduction, polymorphism, diapause, circadian rhythms, biological clock, photoperiodism, nutrition, respiration, circulation, excretion, and function of neuromuscular system. Prerequisites: PLSOILINS 326, BIOCHEM 420 and 421. Credit, 5.

666 Molecular and Cellular Entomology (2nd sem, odd yrs)
For students without strong background in cell and molecular biology. Basic eukaryotic genetics, cell biology and molecular biology, how molecular tools can be used in the study of insects. Prerequisites: one semester each of genetics, insect physiology. One semester of biochemistry helpful. Burand

671 Using Insects in the Classroom and Outdoor Setting: An Online Course
Provides teachers with essential background about insects for forming and answering questions. Techniques in securing information, rearing insects, and outdoor study presented. Effective use of new technologies highlighted. To check technical requirements, consult: Stoffolano

683 Insect Ecology (2nd sem, even yrs)
With lab. Major concepts of population and community ecology; emphasis on insects. Topics include methods for estimating density and mortality, population regulation, host-parasite models, competitive exclusion, species diversity, and insect plant interactions. Elkinton

697 Special Problems
Research on various problems and issues in entomology, contracted with individual faculty members. Credit, 1-6 per semester.

699 Master’s Thesis
Credit, 10.

792A, B Seminar
Credit, 1.

899 Doctoral Dissertation
Credit, 18.

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