
All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise specified.

505 General Plant Pathology (1st sem)
Causes, nature, and control of plant diseases. Diagnosis of plant diseases. Mechanisms, biochemistry, and genetics of plant disease induction, development, and control. Prerequisite: a course in plant biology. Credit, 4. Mr. Wick

510 Management and Ecology of Plant Diseases (2nd sem)
The ecology of plant, microbe, and human interactions in plant diseases, from wilderness to industrial farms. Epidemics, traditional farming, environmental impacts, and sustainability issues. Ways in which agriculture, particularly plant production and plant disease management, change ecosystems. Independent project. BIOLOGY 100 or equivalent recommended. Mr. Cooley

515 Microbiology of the Soil (2nd sem)
Microbial processes in the soil and sediment environment; ecology of the various microbial communities; the decomposition of organic matter, carbon transformation, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus and other mineral transformations. Chemistry of these reactions and their biogeochemical implications. Biological equilibrium, the rhizosphere, and microbial associations. Prerequisites: basic biology and chemistry courses. Consent of instructor for other than junior and seniors. Also listed as ENVIRSCI 515. Mr. Simkins

523 Plant Stress Physiology (1st sem)
Major topics and recent advances in plant stress physiology. Discussion of environmental stresses addresses methodology used for stress tolerance evaluation as well as assessment of current research areas in plant stress physiology. Prerequisites: PLSOILIN 397P or BIOLOGY 510. Ms. DaCosta

525 Mycology
(1st sem, odd yrs)
Biology, ecology, physiology, and taxonomy of fungi. Includes consideration of fungi as causes of diseases in animals, humans, and plants, and their uses in biotechnology applications such as bioremediation. Credit, 4. Mr. Wick

530 Plant Nutrition (1st sem)
With lab. The acquisition, transport, translocation, distribution, and function of the essential inorganic elements in plants. Genetic control of plant nutrition and ecological adaptation to nutritional variables. Diagnosis of nutritional disorders. Credit, 4. Mr. Barker

535 Diagnostic Plant Pathology
(2nd sem, odd yrs)
Methods of diagnosing plant diseases caused by fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes, and abiotic agents considered using specimens collected by students. Prerequisite: PLNTSOIL 505. Credit, 4. Mr. Wick

540 Plant Breeding
(2nd sem, even yrs)

An introduction to the principles of plant breeding. Topics cover basic breeding methods, genetic engineering, reproductive systems of crop plants, inbreeding depression and hybrid vigor, interspecific hybridization, use of genetic markers for crop improvement, breeding for disease resistance, conservation of germplasm and crop evolution. Students also gain hands-on experience in the greenhouse and lab. Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 283 or equivalent.

545 Postharvest Physiology (2nd sem)
The basic biochemical and physiological processes occurring in fruits, vegetables, and flowers after harvest; postharvest treatments to modify these processes. Prerequisite: CHEM 110 or 111; PLSOILIN 397P desirable. Credit, 4. Ms. Han

550 Plant Growth Regulators in Agriculture (2nd sem)
The involvement of naturally occurring plant hormones and the influence that synthetic plant growth regulators have on the physiology and development of the plant. Also, the use and potential use of plant growth regulators in food, fiber and flowering plant production. Mr. Greene

555 Urban Plant Biology (1st sem)
How environmental stress factors affect growth and success of ornamental plants, trees, shrubs, and turf in urban/suburban locations. Tolerance and avoidance mechanisms. Develops criteria to fit plants to various types of urban sites. Prerequisite: PLSOILIN 397P. Mr. Manning

560 Advanced Weed Science
(2nd sem, odd yrs)
Ecological concepts in weed management; historical and ecological perspectives. Weed-crop competition and allelopathy; reproductive strategy; seed dormancy, seed production, allocation of resources in perennial weeds. The physiology and biochemistry of herbicides in plants and their relationships with the soil environment. Prerequisite: PLSOILIN 310 or consent of instructor. Mr. Bhowmik

565 Soil Formation, Classification and Land Use (2nd sem)
With lab. Effect of environmental factors on soil formation and land use. Relationship between soil morphology, classification, and use interpretations. Application of soils information to on-site sewage disposal, wetland identification, and other environmentally significant problem areas. Prerequisite: introductory course in chemistry, geology, soil, or environmental science; or consent of instructor. Credit, 4.

575 Environmental Soil Chemistry (1st sem)
With lab. Chemical reactions that occur in soils. Topics include the nature and properties of soil minerals, cations exchange, soil acidity, and chemical relations in soils of plant nutrients and soil amendments. Prerequisites: CHEM 110 or 111, PLSOILIN 105. Credit, 4. Mr. Xing

580 Soil Fertility (2nd sem)
The role of mineral elements in the growth of plants; plant response to fertilizers and other soil amendments; soil reaction, mineral deficiencies and toxicities; environmental impact of soil fertility management practices. Prerequisites: PLSOILIN 102 and 105 (or equivalents), CHEM 110 or 111. Mr. Barker..

585 Inorganic Contaminants in Soil, Water
(2nd sem, even yrs)
Physical, chemical, and biological factors involved in the fate and effects of heavy metals and other inorganic contaminants in soils, sediments, and groundwater. Bioleaching, acid mine drainage, and environmental bioremediation also covered. Mr. Xing 

590B Project Development/Sustainability Food & Farming (2nd sem)
Introduces students to the process of developing a professional project in the area of sustainable food and farming.  Requires synthesis and integration of knowledge and experience, and the application of theory and principles in a situation that approximates professional practice.  Results in a research paper and a poster that provides a culminating experience for seniors or an introduction to research for new graduate students. Mr. Gerber

590C Comparative Genomics (1st sem)
A genome encodes the entire hereditary information of an organism. With the rapid development of various high-throughput sequencing technologies, genomics has become a readily available tool to conduct research in almost every aspect of life sciences, from human health to agricultural productivity. This course is designed to teach the principles of genomics, review the historical events that shaped the field, introduce the development of fast evolving sequencing technologies, and use examples to illustrate broad applications of genomics in scientific research and in our daily lives. Through this course, students will realize the great promises that genomics can offer, discover the possibility in applying this tool to serve the society, and understand the rationale in selecting suitable approach to conduct research effectively. This advanced course is for undergraduate and graduate students wishing to learn genomics and its broad applications in biological research. It is also suitable for students from other disciplines, such as computer science, mathematics, or physics, wanting to learn about bioinformatics. Ms. Ma.

591A Plant Biotechnology Journal Club (both sem)
This course will familiarize students with concepts and current status of plant genetic engineering for crop improvement and health applications, covering with wide range of topics for engineering plants for abiotic and biotic stresses, metabolic engineering for nutrient enhancement, and risk assessment of engineered crops. Credit, 1. Mr. Parkash

596D Independent Study in Medicinal Plants (both sem)
Credit, 1. Mr. Craker.

597A Phyto/bioremediation
(1st sem, even yrs)
The use of hyper-accumulator and transgenic plants, and their associated microbes with the purpose of environmental clean-up of contaminated soil, sediments, and water. Various strategies for a wide range of toxic pollutants, both organic and elemental, with emphasis on toxic metals. Prerequisite: BIOLOGY 100 or 103, or PLSOILIN 397P or equivalent course. Mr. Parkash

597C Special Topics in Plant Nutrition Discussion (1st sem)
Instruction and discussions to enhance students’ comprehension of lecture and laboratory topics in PLNTSOIL 530. Prerequisite or co-requisite: consent of instructor or concurrent registration in PLNTSOIL 530. Credit, 1. Mr. Barker

597D Wetland Plant Identification and Ecology
(1st sem, even yrs)
Introduction to the ecology and characteristics of wetland types found in the eastern United States. The ecology of each type, emphasizing their plant communities. Laboratory exercises largely devoted to visiting local wetlands for the purpose of identifying characteristic plants in the field. Prerequisite: course in basic biology or botany. Mr. Tiner

 597L Special Topics in Wetland Delineation
(1st sem, odd yrs)

All aspects of the federal procedure for wetland identification and delineation. Includes wetland classification, wetland plant identification, hydric soils recognition and various delineation procedures. Classroom instruction, followed by field exercises; individual delineation project; literature studies required for final report.

597M Topics in Turf Pathology (2nd sem)
Review and discussion of concepts and issues related to turfgrass diseases. Weekly readings of scientific papers and trade journals required. Guest speakers from the turfgrass industry present many of the topics and lead subsequent class discussions. Prerequisite: PLNTSOIL 505. Credit, 2. Mr. Jung

597O Organic Contaminants in Soils, Waters, and Sediments
(1st sem, even yrs)

Transport and fate of manmade compounds in natural and managed environments: abiotic and biotic effects including partitioning, interfaces, concentration, biodegradation and biotransformation. Examination of specific examples of compounds and classes of contaminants in affected environments, such as haloorganics and petroleum products in soil and ground water. Prerequisite: CHEM 250 or 261. Mr. Simkins

597V Special Topics in Integrated Turf Management (2nd sem)
Integrates material from several turf courses. Concepts of Integrated Pest Management, including stress management and pest management, emphasized. Each student develops an ITM plan for a turf setting. Prerequisites: PLSOILIN 107, 340 and 505 or equivalents. Ms. Vittum, Mr. Ebdon

597W Artificial Treatment Wetlands
(1st sem, even yrs)
Aquatic plant selection, sizing, and design techniques. Pollution parameters of primary concern include BOD, suspended solids, nutrients, heavy metals, pathogens, organics. Treatment applications include primary and secondary effluents and sludges; storm water and agricultural runoff; solid and hazardous waste leachates, liquid industrial wastes. Field trips, student projects. Prerequisites: college algebra, introductory chemistry, introductory physics, biology; or consent of instructor. Mr. Lavigne

597Z Special Topics in Applicaitons of Genomics (2nd sem)
This class will meet twice each week combining lectures on Mondays and discussions on Fridays. Two students will be assigned per week (pending on enrollment number) to prepare and lead the discussion by reviewing the literature related to the topic of the week. Suggested reading materials will be provided by instructor and the discussion leaders are also encouraged to select their own papers. Participants are expected to volunteer to the discussion from material based on the common and independent readings. The discussion leaders for a given week may wish to meet with the instructor ahead of time to discuss strategies for preparing their presentations. Internalize the knowledge is the most critic step in the learning process. Therefore students enrolled in the course are required to submit written class reflection each week. Credit, 2. Ms. Ma

602 Research Literature (both sem)
Critical review of the scientific literature in an area of specialization. Mr. Jung

661 Intermediate Biometry (1st sem)
Supplies background necessary to design and analyze field and laboratory experiments. Focus on statistical analysis for agricultural scientists. Primary emphasis on analysis of variance, regression, and experimental design. Computer-assisted analysis presented. Prerequisites: a course in basic statistical analysis. Credit, 4. Mr. Autio

691A Research Proposal Presentation (both sem)
Master’s and Ph.D. candidates attend and present their research proposals in a regular seminar meeting open to all Plant and Soil Sciences graduate students. Credit, 1.

691B Special Topics in Climate, Energy, Biochar & Agriculture (both sem)
Credit, 1. Mr. Herbert

692A Special Topics in Plant-Pathogen Interactions (both sem)
Credit, 1. Mr. Cooley

697A Data Analysis and Interpretation (both sem)
Informal discussion class, focusing on students’ problems, concerns, or enthusiasm with their own experimental designs, data analyses, or interpretations of results, including computer- (particularly SAS) generated output. New techniques presented by the instructor or guest instructors as requested by the class. Students gain practical experience with data analysis and a better understanding of the approaches necessary for their own thesis or dissertation work. Prerequisite: a course in intermediate statistical analysis. Credit, 2. Mr. Autio

696 Independent Study (both sem)
Selected research problems not related to a candidate’s Master’s thesis. Credit, 1-6.

699 Master’s Thesis
Maximum credit, 9.

792A Seminar Attendance (both sem)
Attendance at weekly departmental seminar. Expected of Master’s candidates. Credit, 1. Mr. Parkash

793A Seminar Presentation (both sem)
Master’s candidates present results of their thesis research to faculty and students at a seminar meeting open to the public. Credit, 1. Mr. Jung

891C Special Topics in Advances in Evolutionary Genomics (1st sem)
Credit, 2. Ms. Ma

892A Seminar Attendance (both sem)
Same as PLNTSOIL 792A; available to doctoral candidates. Credit, 1. Mr. Parkash

893A Seminar Presentation (both sem)
Same as PLNTSOIL 793A; required of doctoral candidates. Credit, 1. Mr. Jung

896 Independent Study (both sem)
Selected research problems not related to a candidate’s doctoral dissertation. Credit, 1-6.

899 Doctoral Dissertation
Maximum credit, 10.

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