
All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise specified.

505 Current Issues in Health Education
Overview of health education principles in the context of legislative and public policy considerations, substance abuse, sexually transmitted infections, nutrition, and the health concerns of youth, women, and the aged.

524 Introduction to Health Politics and Policy
Examines the determinants of health politics and policy in the U.S., including decisions and non-decisions made by institutional and political actors at all levels of government and by private sector actors.

525 Ethical Issues in Health
Theoretical framework of ethics as applied to the health field with a special emphasis on biomedical areas. Seminar format with active participation of students.

580 Comparative Health Systems
The health care organizations of various countries; an analysis of their qualities to highlight advantages to the public policy makers.

582 Women’s Health and Family Planning
The interface of social and clinical issues, health policy, research, and community health education in the area of women’s health across the lifespan. Also open to seniors from the Five Colleges.

601 Application of Social and Behavioral Theories in Public Health Interventions
Methods and approaches to community health. Family, school, and community dimensions and potentials. Types and use of various methods leading to community action. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.

602 Community Development and Health Education
Latest approaches in community development and community organization procedures. Exploratory readings, field assignments; emphasis on leadership development and coordinated community action.

603 Principles of Group Dynamics in Public Health
Review of group process roles and responsibilities of public health professionals. Group dynamics, principles related to theories and concepts underlying public health community programs.

608 Communication Theory Applied to Health Education
Review of communication sources, channels, messages, reception, and effects, diffusion of health information, adoption of preventive health behavior, and mass media and social change patterns.

615 Politics of HIV/AIDS
The political and policy challenges faced by public health professionals in educating the public and preventing the spread of HIV.

620 Introduction to the U.S. Health Care System
The organization, finance, and delivery of health care in the U.S. Examines the role of government in financing care, maintaining quality, the relationship between health policy and politics, historical forces that have shaped our health care system, and contemporary issues and controversies.

621 Health Care Organization and Administration
The theory of organization and management applied to health care organizations. Analysis of management functions. Interrelationship between health institutions, their surrounding communities, and government.

622 Program Evaluation in Health Administration
Concepts of program evaluation and their application to the health field. Emphasis on theoretical concepts and their application to development of practical skills in program evaluation.

624 Research Methods in Health Services Administration
Major methodologies useful in health research. Topics include philosophy of scientific investigation, field research, participant, survey research, experimental design, construction of questionnaires, and attitudes scales; and for writing a research prospectus.

625 Hospital Administration
History, types, and organizational structure of hospitals in the U.S. Discussions and case studies on the major operating divisions, their functions and relationships. Prerequisites: PUBHLTH 620 and 621.

627 Long Term Care, Policy and Management
The impact of aging, chronic disease, disability, and dependency on the organization and delivery of long-term care services. Management issues and current research in long-term care. Prerequisites: PUBHLTH 620 and 621.

628 Financial Management of Health Institutions
The fundamental tools for management control and decision making in health care organizations. The budgeting and financial management process. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 620.

629 Politics of Tobacco Control in the United States
The practical problems of controlling tobacco use in the United States. The politics of developing and implementing federal, state, and local tobacco control policies.

696D Special Problems in Public Health
Special investigational or research problems for M.P.H. candidates or advanced students. Scope of the work can be varied to meet specified conditions. Credit, 3-6.

698 Practicum
Opportunity for supervised field observation to gain practice experience in selected public health agencies.

699 Master’s Thesis (M.S. candidates only)
Independent research leading to a thesis on a public health subject. Results should be suitable for publication. Credit, 6-12.

702 Advanced Methods in Health Education
Health education efforts that have influenced community health. Individual study, programming and research methods. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 601.

704 Planning in Community Health Education
Foundation for program planning in community health education and other public health areas. Provides basic planning principles, processes, and methods. A multi-disciplinary approach integrating the use of theory and practice.

708 Research Methods in Community Health Education
Logic and techniques of research methods applied to health education. Emphasis on formulating research problems; developing research designs; collecting, analyzing, and reporting data relating to solving community health problems.

722 Managed Care Planning
Organization and delivery of prepaid health services. Policy, management, clinical, and philosophical issues. Development of analytic and technical skills emphasized. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 620 or 621.

726 Health Economics and Reimbursement
Concepts and theoretical basis for economic analysis of the health-care sector. Application of these concepts to health administration. Prerequisites: basic course in economics, PUBHLTH 620.

780 Public Health Law
Constitutional and social bases for public health law. Development of statutes and regulations and their effects on social problems, including review of court decisions and preparation of administrative regulations.

796 Independent Study

796A Department Seminar

797 Special Problems

891 Research Seminar
Research seminar for doctoral candidates. Credit, 1-6.

899 Doctoral Dissertation
Credit, 18.

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