Graduate Student Senate
The Graduate Student Senate serves as the representative body of graduate students at the university. It pursues policies and objectives that serve to advance the social, cultural, material, and academic needs of the graduate student community. The Graduate Voice is published approximately four times each semester. The Voice provides graduate students with information on GSS and campus activities and serves as a forum for commentaries on issues affecting graduate students at this campus. The Senate appoints representatives to numerous university-wide councils including the Graduate Council, the Research Council, the Health Council, the Academic Matters Council, and the Student Affairs and University Life Council. Representatives are also appointed to administrative personnel search committees, and committees such as those concerned with the operations of the Campus Center and the Library. The Graduate Student Senate provides funding for various service organizations on campus, including Legal Services Office (LSO); Everywoman’s Center Graduate Women’s Program; and New World Theater. It also funds the Graduate Women’s Network. Applications for funding of ad hoc events from a variety of campus groups are considered throughout the year, and departmental graduate student organizations that have representatives in the Senate may apply for funds through the revenue-sharing plan. Limited funds are available through the Graduate Student Senate Child Care Voucher Program to help defray the costs of child care to eligible graduate students. Administrative support is provided by the Senate for registered Graduate Student Organizations. Information about the Graduate Student Senate and its various services can also be accessed at www.umass.edu/gss. For more information regarding the Graduate Student Senate, contact the GSS Office in 919 Campus Center, tel. (413) 545-2896; or send email to gss-info@grad.umass.edu. Fax: (413) 545-2373. |
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