All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise specified.
540 Introductory Biostatistics, only offered in the Fall semesters
Principles of statistics applied to analysis of biological and health data, evaluation of public health and clinical programs.
630 Principles of Epidemiology
An epidemiological perspective on health. General approaches for describing patterns of disease in groups of people, and elucidating various processes involved in creating differing levels of health in human groups. Lecture and lab examples of a wide range of contemporary health problems.
631 Scientific Writing for Thesis, Dissertation and Grant Proposals in Epidemiology
Provides students with the necessary analytic techniques, technical resources, and writing expertise to design and write their own thesis proposal and final thesis manuscript in the field of epidemiology. Also applies to students preparing to publish in journals and write grant proposals. Based on structure of a research proposal, beginning with sessions on conducting a literature review, progressing through methods and results, to the discussion. Students prepare a written proposal and a class presentation, and critique another student’s presentation. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 630.
632 Applied Epidemiology
Intermediate level course. Application of epidemiologic methods to study the etiology, control, and impact on society of selected diseases. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 630.
633 Communicable Disease Epidemiology
Review of selected infectious diseases; emphasis on current theories of distribution, transmission, and control.
634 Nutritional Epidemiology
Epidemiologic study design problems and issues; major methods of dietary assessment; non-dietary nutritional assessments; and the relative strength of evidence in support of diet-disease relationships. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 630.
635 Psychosocial Epidemiology
Links between life styles of populations and risks to which individuals in these populations are vulnerable. Models linking social stress and physiological responses, psychosocial mediators, and social support systems as they promote or reduce susceptibility to disease. Consent of instructor required.
639 Cancer Epidemiology
Background in the principles of oncology and a review of epidemiological strategies used in cancer research. The major cancer risk factors and the key strategies of prevention.
640 Intermediate Biostatistics (2nd sem)
Principles of statistics applied to analysis of biological and health data. Continuation of PUBHLTH 540 including analysis of variance, regression, nonparametric statistics, sampling, and categorical data analysis. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 540.
691F Data Management and Statistical Computing
An introduction to data management for research projects in the biomedical sciences using microcomputers. Topics include design of data collection forms, data entry, computer managed documentation and statistical computing using SAS.
696D Special Problems in Public Health
Special investigational or research problems for M.P.H. candidates or advanced students. Scope of the work can be varied to meet specified conditions. Credit, 3-6.
698 Practicum
Opportunity for supervised field observation to gain practice experience in selected public health agencies.
699 Master’s Thesis (M.S. candidates only)
Independent research leading to a thesis on a public health subject. Results should be suitable for publication. Credit, 3-6.
700 Analysis of Epidemiologic Data
734 Environmental Epidemiology
The human health effects associated with selected environmental exposures of the general populace. The methodology of the related epidemiological studies evaluated. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 630.
737 Advanced Methods in Epidemiology
A methodologic core course. Details of concepts and quantitative techniques used in modern epidemiology. Prerequisites: PUBHLTH 630 and 632.
740 Mixed Models and Longitudinal Data Analysis (2nd sem)
Integration of linear models with experimental design and sampling, considering applications with unbalanced and missing data. In-depth discussion of mixed models including parameterizations, analysis of covariance, unequal numbers of observations per cell, missing cells. Repeated measure designs and longitudinal data analysis emphasized, with many examples illustrated using SAS. Prerequisites: PUBHLTH 640 and 691F or equivalent. Recommended: PUBHLTH 744.
741 The Design and Analysis of Experiments in the Health and Pharmaceutical Sciences (1st sem)
Fundamental concepts in experimental design, with specific application to medical, public health, and pharmaceutical research. Extensive use of computer programs; many illustrative examples. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 640.
742 Advanced Methods in Biometric Research
Statistical methods in biological and public health research. Methods of statistical estimation, correlation theory, multivariate tests of significance including discriminant analysis, stepwise and multiple regression. Topics in nonparametric methods, and statistical methods for clinical trials. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 640.
743 Analysis of Categorical Data in the Health Sciences (1st sem)
In-depth examination of the use of the logistic regression model with applications. Analyses using a computer program. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 744.
744 Computer Analysis of Health Sciences Data (1st sem)
Applications of the linear regression model. Emphasis on use and interpretation of statistical software output. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 640.
745 Sampling Methods for the Health Sciences
Application of widely used sampling methods to situations commonly occurring in public health research. Alternative sampling strategies compared; emphasis on design of sample surveys. Types of samples stressed: simple random sample, stratified sample, systematic sample, and cluster sample. Also the combined ratio estimate, and large-scale, ongoing sample surveys such as the Health Examination Survey of the National Center for Health Statistics. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 540.
746 Nonparametric Methods in Public Health Research
The application of nonparametric methods to commonly occurring problems in public health research. Data from one, two, and multisample problems from environmental health, epidemiology, health administration, and health education. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 540.
747 Multivariate Methods in Public Health Research
Multivariate statistical theories and methods applied to public health data. Emphasis on consideration of alternative statistical procedures simultaneously for analyzing many variables. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 744.
748 Survival Theory in Public Health and Science
The analysis of time to event data focusing on applications of regression models to right censored data. Particular emphasis on the use and interpretation of the proportional hazards model. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 744.
749 Statistical Methods for Clinical Trials
Major designs used in clinical investigations; alternative approaches to the analysis of gathered data. Prerequisite: PUBHLTH 640.
796 Independent Study
797 Special Problems
891 Research Seminar
Research seminar for doctoral candidates.
Credit, 2.
899 Doctoral Dissertation
Credit, 18.