Doctor of Philosophy Degree Program

There are no formal course requirements for the Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering. Typical programs include 9 credits of course work beyond the course requirements for the M.S. degree and consist of a major concentration and a minor concentration.

The Ph.D. degree in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research must include courses which have covered the material equivalent to that covered in the five required courses for the M.S. degree in IEOR.  Normally, students receiving a Masters degree in Industrial Engineering will have completed the required courses. To get program approval, all Ph.D. students must draft a program proposal in consultation with the faculty advisor, who will get approval by the IEOR Program Director.  Syllabi and grades received for courses taken must be provided.

Students are not required to demonstrate competency in a foreign language. Other residency, dissertation, and examination requirements are described in the General Information section of this Bulletin.

A department handbook containing detailed information on requirements for the Master’s degree and Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering and Operations Research are available from the Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department.