Program Overview

The Digital Media Design & Making Graduate Certificate will prepare current and future educators to transform teaching and learning through digital media design projects and Making* activities with current and emerging technologies. The program  introduces the types of thinking enabled by designing, making, and coding, including design thinking and computational thinking.  The certificate is designed to provide participants with interactive learning experiences that will prepare them to use digital media and makerspaces* to enrich, extend, and advance learning in formal and informal educational environments.

* Makerspaces are unique environments that facilitate learning through collaborative design, play, tinkering, and exploration, while Making is an iterative design process that results in the creation of an artifact (physical, digital, or blended physical/digital object).

Completion: The certificate consists of 4 courses (12 credits), 3 required and one elective course;

 The required courses will be the following:

  •  EDUC 593A: Teaching & Learning with Technology
  •  EDUC 690L: Creativity, Technology & Learning
  •  EDUC 693K: Designing Digital Media for Teaching & Learning

Potential elective course:

  • EDUC 647T: Making & Makerspaces

 For further information, contact: Torrey Trust,