Leaves of Absence

A. Personal

A personal leave of absence may be granted for up to one year at a time.  A leave of absence is requested when the student, because of unexpected circumstances, is not able to actively pursue his or her graduate program of study. Graduate students who request a leave of absence must petition their Graduate Program Director who, in turn, provides justification for the request to the Graduate Dean. If the Dean grants a leave of absence, the student's statute of limitations is extended appropriately. Graduate students on leave of absence must maintain continuous enrollment by paying the Continuous Enrollment Fee every semester during their leave.

B. Health

When a student's health or mental health problem interferes significantly with their academic work, the student may receive a health leave of absence or withdrawal from the University for up to one year at a time, upon recommendation by the appropriate physician or therapist of the University Health Services. During the period of a health leave of absence the student must maintain their status by paying the Continuous Enrollment Fee. Accordingly, the Graduate School will adjust the student's statute of limitations for the duration of the leave of absence. Normally, the leave of absence/withdrawal will result from the student's voluntary efforts. In exceptional circumstances, involving life threatening behaviors, a student may be asked to leave the University involuntarily until serious life-threatening circumstances have been controlled.

  1. Voluntary health leave/withdrawal: A voluntary health leave of absence/withdrawal may be requested by any student with a serious health problem who, in the opinion of the attending physician/therapist, cannot pursue their academic work. All such leaves/withdrawals will be reviewed and approved by the Director of University Health Services. A form is provided by University Health Services for this purpose. The form specifies the start and end date of the medical leave, and it indicates whether medical clearance is required before the student can return from the leave. The completed form is submitted to the Graduate Dean, who approves the leave and notes on the student's record whether medical clearance is required at the end of the leave. In the case that medical clearance is required to return from the leave, a student must present evidence that the health problem no longer precludes successful completion of academic work. The student will be examined by the Medical Director or Mental Health Director, or designee who must approve the request to return from the leave/withdrawal.
  2. Involuntary health leave/withdrawal: An involuntary leave of absence/withdrawal for health reasons may be recommended by a physician or therapist on the staff of the University Health Services. An involuntary health withdrawal must involve a strong likelihood of: serious risk of physical harm to the student themselves, manifested by evidence of threats of suicide or attempts at suicide or other serious bodily harm; serious risk of physical harm to other persons in the community, including evidence of homicidal or other violent behavior; or a reasonable risk of physical impairment or injury to the person themselves because of impaired judgment that would not allow the person to live independently or protect themselves in the community or not allow the person to perform the essential functions of an educational program without requiring substantial modification of the program. All recommendations for an involuntary health leave/withdrawal must be approved by either the Medical Director or the Mental Health Director. The reasons for the recommendation must be documented. Once documented and approved, the terms of the health leave/withdrawal become effective immediately and the student may be required to leave campus immediately, even though they will be able to subsequently appeal the decision.

    A student who has been given an involuntary health leave of absence/withdrawal has ten business days to appeal the decision. All appeals must be in writing to the Director, University Health Services, stating the reason for the appeal and the desired resolution. The Director of the University Health Services and the Dean of the Graduate School will convene a three-member Appeals Panel composed of two licensed medical and/or mental health care providers from outside the University, and the Dean of the Graduate School or their designee. The Appeals Panel will consider the case within five business days of the request for the appeal. At the time of the hearing, the student will have the opportunity to contest the decision and will be permitted to have an adviser present. The decision of the Appeals Panel is final.

    In order to remove the conditions of the involuntary health leave/withdrawal, a student must present evidence that the health problem no longer precludes successful completion of academic workand safe attendance at the university. The student will also be examined by the Medical Director or Mental Health Director, or designee who must approve the request to return from the leave/withdrawal.