Dual Degree Option: Master of Business Administration/Master of Science in Business Analytics
For those students interested in earning a strong foundation in business, along with excellent data analytic skills, the Isenberg School of Management offers an MBA/MSBA dual master’s degree, which includes 62-credits (31 for the MBA and 31 for the MSBA). The dual degree program combines the strategic and managerial focus of the MBA with the strong technical and analytical competency of the MSBA, enabling graduates to better manage today’s high-tech organizations. Students completing the program full-time and on-campus typically complete the two degrees in two years. Students completing the degree part-time, online, may take up to 4 years to complete the two degrees. Students applying to the MBA/MSBA dual degree program must meet the respective admission standards for each program. The GMAT is optional. Students submit only one application, which is reviewed by both programs. Applicants must be accepted to both programs to enter the dual degree program. The full-time, on-campus dual degree program has a STEM designation.
For further information regarding these programs refer to the Isenberg School of Management section of this Bulletin.