Program Overview

General Information

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers programs leading to the Master of Science in Statistics, the Master of Science in Applied Mathematics, the Ph.D. in Statistics, and the Ph.D. in Mathematics.

Admission and Financial Aid

Applications for admission are screened by a departmental committee, which bases its recommendations for admissions and financial aid on the applicant’s undergraduate record, letters of recommendation, and other data. Admission is very selective, and there is no minimal set of courses or grades that will guarantee admission. Applicants are encouraged to submit additional data on their mathematical training, such as texts used and topics covered in courses, details of any honors projects or individual reading, etc.  The GRE subject exam is required for admission to the Ph.D. in mathematics.  The general GRE exam is recommended, but not required for all M.S. and Ph.D. applicants.

Most Ph.D. students are supported by Teaching Assistantships providing a waiver of tuition and a stipend. The duties usually involve teaching one section of an elementary course each semester or equivalent work assisting the instructor of a large lecture course. A limited number of Research Assistantships are also available. Teaching Assistantships are also available for M.S. students, although usually with a smaller stipend.

Faculty Research Interests

The research interests of the faculty may be summarized briefly under a number of headings:

Algebra, Lie Theory, and Number Theory

Algebraic combinatorics, extremal combinatorics, representation theory, analytic and algebraic number theory.

Geometry and Topology

Algebraic geometry, complex manifolds and Hodge theory, mirror symmetry, differential geometry, geometric analysis and variational problems, symplectic topology, homotopy theory, applications to physics.

Analysis, Probability, Applied Mathematics, and Numerics

Non-linear PDEs, dynamical systems, harmonic analysis, large deviations, stochastic processes, mathematical physics, statistical mechanics and stochastic models, fluid dynamics, mathematical biology, symbolic computation, machine learning.


Bayesian statistics, bioinformatics and biostatistics, linear models, measurement error models, mixed models, smoothing, reliability, and survival analysis.

Seminars and Colloquia

The department has regular colloquia and distinguished lectures aimed at a broad mathematical audience.  Each semester a number of seminars are organized by faculty or graduate students, meeting once or twice a week, including a number of learning seminars where graduate students and faculty study a topic of current interest.  Two seminars feature talks specifically for graduate students: GRASS (the GRAd Student Seminar) has talks by graduate students, while TWIGS (The What Is... Graduate Seminar) has talks by faculty.

Centers and Special Facilities

Center for Applied Mathematics

The center involves faculty members and graduate students who are interested in research and instruction in applied mathematics and scientific computation. The center organizes the research seminar on Applied Analysis and Computation and manages the Master’s Degree Program in Applied Mathematics, a two-year professional degree intended for students who seek industrial employment.

Research Computing Facility (RCF)

The RCF provides computing facilities for the department. These facilities may be used by faculty and students as a tool for research and academic purposes. The facility is mainly UNIX- and Linux-based. All of the systems are networked, and support connections to the campus network and the Internet. A full-time staff and several graduate students provide support and consulting services to the community.