Master of Science in Geosciences Degree Program

The general requirements for the M.S. degree are those of the Graduate School. In addition, the following are required:

  • An incoming candidate is given a diagnostic interview and assigned an adviser. The candidate should then propose a guidance committee of three graduate faculty, for appointment by the Graduate Program Director. The committee conducts a semesterly review of the candidate’s program and progress.
  • Participation each semester of residence in GEO-SCI 701 Professional Seminar and at least one oral presentation of research results in this seminar or at a professional conference.
  • A candidate may elect a program with or without a thesis. The former is appropriate for those with strongly focused research interests, and the latter for those wishing to emphasize breadth of geological or interdisciplinary knowledge.
  • MS Thesis track requires:
    • appointment of a thesis committee of at least three graduate faculty approved by the Graduate Program Director and the Dean of the Graduate School.
    • New MS thesis students are required to take GEOSCI 703 (first Fall semester) and 705 (first Spring semester).
    • to write thesis proposal that is approved by the Student Thesis Committee. The Graduate School requirement for M.S. thesis credits is 1-10.
    • to complete an annual evaluation with their thesis committee.
  • MS project requires
    • Candidates choosing a non-thesis (project) program must have faculty approval of their program of study.
    • Project students are encouraged to take GEOSCI 703 and 705. Project students who are considering continuing for a PhD at UMass are required to take GEOSCI 703 and 705.
    • They will also take a General Examination and complete a research project. The content of the General Examination that will reflect the candidate’s choice of program. The Examination Committee will consist of five faculty members selected in consultation with your advisor who have agreed to serve on your committee.

Further details are contained in the Earth Geographic and Climate Sciences graduate student manual available on the department’s web page.