501/601 Clinical Orthopedics for Engineers
This course provides an overview of the clinical diagnosis and contemporary treatment of major musculoskeletal disorders. The pathophysiology, epidemiology, and anatomy of the affected biological systems are covered. Students will develop an understanding of the challenges faced by clinicians, research scientists, and medical device manufacturing engineers. We will explore novel therapeutic approaches that integrate engineering and medicine to restore or improve function. Topics will include orthopedic trauma, sports injury, osteoporosis, and osteoarthritis.
502/602 Drug Delivery
This course covers the breadth of drug delivery, from systemically delivered nanoparticles to local drug releasing systems. The course will consider the pharmaceutics of drugs and their disease target, and describe how to engineer drug delivery systems for these scenarios. Mathematical models, clinical examples, industry trends, and emerging research topics will be covered throughout the course.
504/604 Intro to Gene Therapy
This course is offered to junior or senior undergraduate students and graduate students to introduce them to the field of engineered gene therapy. It covers how gene therapy works, the type of vectors used, and why; when certain vectors are employed. The course also includes how to make viral vectors and introduces some non-viral tools for gene therapy.
505/605 Biotransport
An introduction to transport phenomena in biological systems covering fundamental principles of fluid mechanics and mass transfer at the cellular, tissue, and organ levels. Topics include macroscopic and microscopic mathematical descriptions of physiological fluid mechanics in circulation and tissue and mass transport related to convection and diffusion in biological systems; transmembrane and transvascular transport; biochemical interactions; mass separations; and kinetics of biochemical reactions. Course material will be reinforced using examples in drug delivery, tissue engineering, bioengineered systems, and tumorigenesis.
508/608 Intro to Biophotonics
This course covers basic concepts in electromagnetism and light-matter interactions of biomedical significance. Topics covered include: optical properties of biological cells, tissues and biomaterials; visible and near-infrared light absorption, scattering and fluorescence spectroscopy; advanced microscopy techniques, optical coherence tomography, vibrational spectroscopy, photoacoustic imaging, photodynamic therapy and their relevance to human disease diagnostic and therapeutic applications.
509/609 Biomedical Signals and Systems
This course will cover time- and frequency-domain approaches for the analysis of both continuous-time and discrete-time signals and systems. Specific technical topics covered will include linear time-invariant systems, impulse response, convolution, Fourier series, Fourier transform, and Laplace transform. The course will involve both analytical problem solving and hands-on coding using MATLAB. Students will apply learned concepts to real-world medical;biological problems through case studies and demos involving various biosignals and physiological systems. Topics will include electrophysiology, medical imaging, and pharmacology and span applications in cardiology, oncology, and neurology.
510/610 Tissue Engineering
An introduction to tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.
511/611 Immunoengineering
This course will first provide an understanding of basic immunology and then transition to apply these fundamental principles to the design of immunoengineering solutions to biomedical disease challenges. Basic immunological principles that we will cover in the first part of the course include the cells of the immune system and their function, innate and adaptive responses, antigen presentation, T and B cell responses, and immunological memory. In the second part of the course, we will focus on understanding how these basic principles are applied in the design of immunomodulatory nanomaterials, antibody engineering, systems immunology, and development of cell-based therapies. This application-oriented second part of the course will involve overviews of the scientific literature to cover this rapidly evolving field. Throughout the course, we will focus on the biomedical challenges of cancer and infectious disease.
575/675 Nature's Materials
Material science and mechanical engineering approaches are used to explore the structure-function relationships of natural biomaterials. Principles that govern mechanical behavior are used to discuss design approaches for synthetic bio-inspired and biomimetic materials. The main focus is on structure/function relationships of materials. There is also emphasis on mechanical design and function, with some discussion of cellular interactions. Materials covered include skin, horn, nail, hoof, hair, wood, plants, spider silk, nacre, bone, tendon, ligament, cartilage, meniscus, and tissue engineering scaffolds. Topics for bio-inspired and biomimicked materials include structural and energy absorbing materials and biomedical materials for clinical applications.
590STA Intro to Force Spectroscopy
The course introduces the fundamentals of major force spectroscopy methods (atomic force microscopy, optical tweezers, and magnetic tweezers), principles of force measurement, force calibration, signal and noise, and applications to studies of biomaterial's mechanical properties, such as polymer elasticity, protein folding, nanoindentation, and structural transitions in macromolecules.
590STB Frontiers of Bioelectronics
Discover the cutting-edge world of bioelectronics in this multidisciplinary course. The course intends to overview bioelectronics - the fusion of biology, electrical engineering, material science, chemistry, and micro/nanoelectronics that has led to groundbreaking technologies such as neural electronics, implantable platforms, wearable electronic tattoos, bionanotechnology, neural dust, mesh electronics, etc. Students will dive into the bioelectronics development, the role of collaborations, and the latest advancements in the field. Through the semester, students will engage into the frontier of bioelectronics and choose topics of interest for in-depth research overviews, culminating in the preparation of an imaginary grant proposal.
691S Biomedical Engineering Seminar
Credit, 1.
696 Independent Study
Credit, 1-6.
699 Masters Thesis
Credit, 1-6.
899 Doctoral Dissertation
Credit, 18.
Students are encouraged to take graduate courses in other engineering departments or Biology with advisor approval, if courses are applicable.