Administrative Withdrawal
Section 1. Conditions Warranting Administrative Withdrawal
Any of the following conditions may warrant administrative withdrawal:
- Failure to comply with administrative requirements; specifically,
- Failure by a student to satisfy an overdue financial obligation to the university, consisting of tuition, loans, board, room fees, library charges, or other student charges, including student activities, health services, Child Care and other such fees as may be established from time to time, or other University obligations.
- Failure to comply with prior conditions on admission to the university imposed by the Graduate School in compliance with university policies.
- Failure to maintain continuous enrollment.
- Forgery, fraud, or falsification of information on any official University form or document, such as the admissions application, a grade report, recommendations, transcripts, etc.
Section 2. Effects of Administrative Withdrawal
- If administratively withdrawn, a student's record will indicate the withdrawn date and the reason for administrative withdrawal. The student shall cease to be enrolled and shall not be allowed to complete the current semester or to register for future semesters. If a student has already pre-registered at the time of withdrawal, all course enrollments will be canceled.
- The student shall return their identification card and any and all property belonging to the university currently in their possession.
- The student shall receive no further material or notification from the Registrar concerning University affairs.
Section 3. Procedures for Implementing Administrative Withdrawal
- An appropriate administrative official may recommend to the Registrar that a student be administratively withdrawn from the University.
- The administrative official shall make their recommendation in writing, detailing their compliance with the following requirements:
- The recommendation must be based on one of the grounds set forth in Section 1.
- The facts upon which the recommendation is based must be ascertained and stated precisely and accurately.
- An attempt to resolve the matter must have been made by the administrative official by issuing the student a written notice of the proposed recommendation for withdrawal and the reasons therefore, such matter not having been successfully resolved within fourteen calendar days of the mailing of said notice.
- If the matter has not been successfully resolved, the administrative unit shall issue a certified letter to the student setting forth the recommendation for withdrawal and the reasons therefore.
- If the Graduate School is satisfied that the conditions specified in item b of this section have been satisfied, the Graduate School shall administratively withdraw the student from the University no sooner than the fifteenth calendar day following the mailing of the notice provided for in said paragraph.
Section 4. Reinstatement
Any student who has been administratively withdrawn may at any time during the semester in which the withdrawal was made make arrangements with the Graduate School for the resolution of the matter. Upon such a resolution satisfactory to the Graduate School, the Graduate Dean shall forthwith reinstate the student to active enrollment status.