Accelerated Master of Public Health


The required coursework for the 4+1 MPH program is the same as for the regular MPH program and consists of 42 credits – see below. The main difference is that eligible applicants make part of this coursework (min 4 courses =12 credits, maximum 6 courses = 18 credits) during their Senior undergraduate year. Maximum 12 graduate credits count to both your Bachelor and your Master degrees.

  • To satisfy UMass residency requirement you must complete 9 credits of coursework for 2 consecutive semesters.
  • You must complete 42 credits including:



EHS 565 Environmental Health Practices


EHS 666 Environmental and Occupational Toxicology I


EHS 671 Risk Assessment and Management 


EHS 691B Seminar: Research Methods 


SPHHS 605 Health Equity & the Foundations of Public Health Practice


SPHHS 606 Leading Change: Policy, Advocacy, and Ethics


SPHHS 615 Epidemiology and Biostatistics Part A: Description, Estimation, and Exposures


SPHHS 616 Epidemiology and Biostatistics Part B: Evidence, Threats, and Action


SPHHS 698S Practicum


SPHHS 698F Practicum


SPHHS 691 Independent Study – MPH Project (Capstone)


Public Health Electives**

min 12, including min 9 EHS electives




* See explanation in milestones below.

** Additionally, to regular classroom-based courses the following courses can count towards EHS electives: EHS696: Independent study (4 credits) and EHS704 Journal Club (1 credit per semester with an option to take it every semester).

  • We anticipate that you will enroll every semester in EHS704 Journal Club (1 credit).
  • All courses are required to be completed with a B or better.
  • No more than 16 credits can be taken per semester.


  • Undergraduate Senior Fall Semester: Take 6-9 credits of required graduate coursework. Apply for the 4+1 program. Recommended: if you are CHC student, defend your Honors Thesis.
  • Undergraduate Senior Spring Semester: Take 6-9 credits of required graduate coursework. Take SPHHS 698S. This course is designed to help with practicum placement. You are required to attend this course, but you are not required to take it for credit while being senior. If you are not taking credit for SPHHS 698S, you will be able to receive its credit while taking SPHHS 698F during your MPH fall year. In other words you will receive 3 credits in fall instead of 1 in spring and 2 in fall.
  • Summer Practicum
  • Graduate Fall Semester: Take approximately half of required remaining credits, including SPHHS 698F for practicum credit.
  • Graduate Spring Semester: Take remaining courses, including SPHHS 691 MPH