Course of Study

First Semester

*ANIMLSCI 102 Equine Skills I (4 cr)
ANIMLSCI 150-154 — Equitation (1 cr) (Optional; level by testing; $800 fee)
*ANIMLSCI 220 Anatomy and Physiology (4 cr)
CHEM 102 General Chemistry
ENGLISH 120 English Composition
NATSCI 191F First Year Seminar (1 cr)

Second Semester

*ANIMLSCI 141 Handling Horses (2 cr)
ANIMLSCI 150-154 — Equitation (1 cr) (Optional; level by testing; $800 fee)
*ANIMLSCI 247 Horse Breeds, Types, and Selection
BIOLOGY 102 Introductory Animal Biology (4 cr)
RES-ECON 140 Managing Your Own Business
RES-ECON 141 Consumer Marketing (2 cr)

June through August

*ANIMLSCI 198 Internship (2-3 cr)

Third Semester

ANIMLSCI 150-154 — Equitation (1 cr) (Optional; level by testing; $800 fee)
ANIMLSCI 232 Feeds and Feeding (2 cr)
ANIMLSCI 344 Theories and Methods of Instruction (Optional)
ANIMLSCI 360 Animal Care and Welfare
*ANIMLSCI 459 Horse Management (4 cr)
Math by placement exam (2-3 cr)

Fourth Semester

ANIMLSCI 150-154 — Equitation (1 cr) (Optional; level by testing; $800 fee)
ANIMLSCI 241 Breaking and Training
ANIMLSCI 298 Treatment Practicum (1 cr)
ANIMLSCI 397A Horse Breeding (1 cr)
ANIMLSCI 442 Practice Teaching Equitation (Optional)
ANIMLSCI 445 Equine Stud Farm Management
*ANIMLSCI 497A Equine Diseases and Health Management

* A grade of C or better must be earned in these courses.

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