Course of Study

First Semester

ENGLISH 120 English Composition
NATSCI 191F First Year Seminar (1 cr)
PLSOILIN 102 Introductory Botany (4 cr)
PLSOILIN 105 Soils (4 cr)
*PLSOILIN 230 Introductory Turfgrass Management (4 cr)

Second Semester (1st seven wks)

PLSOILIN 101 Insects and Related Forms (2 cr)
PLSOILIN 103 Plant Science (1.5 cr)
PLSOILIN 104 Plant Nutrients (1.5 cr)
PLSOILIN 111 Horticulture Plant Pathology 2 cr

(2nd seven wks)

*PLSOILIN 112 Turf Diseases Laboratory (2 cr)
PLSOILIN 232 Turf Machinery (1 cr)

(full semester)

*PLSOILIN 107 Turfgrass Insects (2 cr)
*PLSOILIN 198T Internship (June-August)
*PLSOILIN 240 Turf Calculations (2 cr)
*PLSOILIN 275 Turfgrass Physiology and Ecology

Third Semester

ENVIRDES 335 Plants in Landscape (4 cr)
NRC 232 Principles of Arboriculture
Math by placement exam (2-3 cr)
PLSOILIN 310 Principles of Weed Management

Fourth Semester

PLSOILIN 182 Principles of Pesticide Management (2 cr)
PLSOILIN 234 Irrigation and Drainage (2 cr)
*PLSOILIN 340 Advanced Turfgrass Management
RES-ECON 142 People in Organizations

* A grade of C or better must be earned in these courses.

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