Department Information
College of Natural Sciences
233 Morrill
Distinguished Professor Bradley; Professors Brigham-Grette, Brown, Burns, DeConto, Gaubatz, Leckie, Rhodes, Williams, Yuretich; Associate Professors Boutt, Cooke, McCoy, Petsch, Seaman; Assistant Professors Castaneda, Vogel, Woodruff, Yu; Senior Lecturers Condit, Jercinovic, Stevens; Extension Assistant Professors Hatch, Rawlins; Adjunct Faculty Balascio, Bemis, Besonen, Brady, Braun, Chapman, Clement, Condron, Conz, Cook, Coombs, D'Andrea, Dolan, Duncan, Finkelstein, Francis, Gibson, Goldstein, Goodwin, Gordon, Graham, Hagadoen, Hardy, Mabee, McEnroe, McGowan, Nathan, Panish, Philpotts, Roberson, Scofield, Stoll, Voss, Vuille, Weingarten, Yong.
The Department of Geosciences has undergraduate programs leading to the B.A. and B.S. degrees in Geology and in Geography, and to the B.S. degree in Earth Systems.