UMA Undergraduate Guide 2012-2013
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Program Information
Stockbridge School of Agriculture The Stockbridge School of Agriculture offers a Bachelor of Science in four concentrations: The Sustainable Food & Farming concentration allows students who are interested in the social, political and scientific issues of sustainable agriculture and food systems to seek a broad exposure to this discipline in the liberal arts tradition. Students can tailor their individual programs to prepare for careers in sustainable farming, policy, advocacy, community outreach and education in topics related to crop production, food access, and hunger issues, as well as many others. Sustainable Horticulture provides students with the tools and knowledge to work in the horticultural field. They receive scientific training in the production of herbaceous ornamentals, fruits, and vegetables complemented with business courses. University greenhouses, a vegetable production farm, and orchard are used as laboratory spaces to provide hands-on experience related to knowledge acquired in the classroom. Plant, Soil & Insect Sciences provides an option for students in the plant sciences who plan to continue study at the graduate level or seek employment in applied biology or plant science. Their curriculum includes courses in entomology, horticultural sciences, plant pathology, plant science, soil science or related disciplines. Turfgrass Science and Management is an applied science program that focuses on the production and maintenance of grassed areas, including parks, golf courses, athletic surfaces, and home lawns. Scientific theory is integrated with practical experience and topics covered include grass and seed identification, turfgrass culture and physiology, pest control, and equipment maintenance. Students have the option of selecting a business management or a science focus. |
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