UMA Undergraduate Guide 2013-2014
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The Courses
(All Studio courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.) 104 Basic Studio/Drawing (AT) (4 cr) (both sem) 105 Basic Studio/Design (AT) (4 cr) (both sem) 110 Basic Studio/Drawing I (AT) (1st sem) 120 Drawing Composition (both sem) 131 Foundation Studio 1 (AT) (4 cr) (1st sem) 142 Foundation Studio 2 (4 cr) (2nd sem) 201 Advanced Drawing (both sem) 202 Advanced Drawing Problems (both sem) 220 Painting I: Representation I (both sem) 221 Painting II: Representation II (both sem) 223 Painting III: Methods (both sem) 230 Photography I (both sem) 231 Photography II (2nd sem) 240 Relief I – Printmaking 241 Intaglio I – Printmaking 243 Monotype: Painterly Print 244 Printmaking - Lithography I (1st sem) 256 Art Ed - Student Teaching Seminar 260 Figure Sculpture 261 Sculpture 1 - Introduction to Sculpture 265 Sculpture 2 - Construction Sculpture 271 Introduction to Computing in the Fine Arts 274 Animation Fundamentals (both sem) 275 Digital Media: Still Image (both sem) 280 3-D Studies: Handbuilding (both sem) 281 3-D Studies: Throwing (both sem) 297B Special Topics: Introduction to Color 310 Visual Arts and Human Development I (1st sem) 311 Visual Arts and Human Development II (2nd sem) 320 Painting IV: Advanced Painting Problems (both sem) 330 Photography III 333 Art in the Expanded Field 340 Printmaking - Relief II 341 Printmaking - Intaglio II 342 Printmaking - Lithography II (1st sem) 345 Digital Media: Printmaking 346 Digital Media: Printmaking/Offset Lithography 347 Digital Media: Silkscreen 360 Sculpture 3 - Mold Making and Casting 361 Sculpture 4 - Sculpture in Context 362 Casting and Composites 363 Advanced Fabrication 370 Junior Year Writing Program (both sem) 374 Computer Animation I (1st sem) 375 Digital Media: Time Based 381 3-D Studies: Ceramics IV 384 Computer Animation II (2nd sem) 397MM Special Topics - Media and Motion Graphics 401 B.F.A. Degree Project/2-D Studies (IE) (6-12 cr ) (both sem) 402 B.F.A. Degree Project/3-D Studies (IE) (6-12 cr) (both sem) 404 B.F.A. Degree Project/Animation (IE) (6-12 cr) (both sem) 420 Painting V (IE) (both sem) 431 Photography IV (IE) 460 Sculpture 5 - Studio Practice (IE) 461 Sculpture 6 - Advanced Sculpture 471 Senior Seminar: Animation (1st sem) 480 3-D Studies: Ceramics V (both sem) 481 Senior Seminar 3-D Studies: Ceramics VI (both sem) 491A and B Seminar - New York Professional Outreach Program (both sem) 499 Honors 515 Advanced Problems in Art Education K-9 (1st sem) 516 Advanced Problems in Art Education 5-12 (1st sem) Art Education (ART ED) 501 Student Teaching Practicum PreK-8 (3-12 cr) (2nd sem) 502 Student Teaching Practicum 5-12 (3-12 cr) (2nd sem) |
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