Concentration in Biochemical Engineering
The concentration in Biochemical Engineering is open to students majoring in Chemical Engineering. It provides students with specialized coursework and training to better prepare them for engineering careers in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. The courses for this program fit into the required Advanced Chemistry Elective and Technical Electives that all Chemical Engineering students are required to take. Students must take a total of 15 credits. The following nine credits are required:
BIOCHEM 275 Cellular and Molecular Biology
CHEM 423 Biochemistry for Chemists
CHEM-ENG 592B Introduction to Biochemical Engineering
Students must also take an additional six credits of advanced coursework or research in special topics in bioengineering. These six credits must be engineering courses. Approved courses are:
BioChem 657 Drug Design
ChE 220 Chemical Engineering Principles of Biological Systems
ChE 590A Bioprocessing Engineering Lab (may be taken in lieu of Chem-Eng 402 Senior Lab)
ChE 590B Tissue Engineering
597B Soft Materials and Biomaterials
597C Introduction to Biomolecular Engineering
597D Nanostructured Biomaterials
296, 396, 496 Independent Study in bioengineering
296H, 396H, 496H Honors Independent Study in bioengineering
499Y, 499T Honors Senior Thesis in bioengineering
697A Special Topics: Molecular and Systems Biotechnology
Additional courses may be used to meet this requirement, but advance approval of the Undergraduate Program Director (UPD) is required. Students wishing to fulfill this requirement with an independent study or thesis must gain approval of the topic by the UPD before enrolling for credit. Only three-credit independent study courses may be used to fulfil this requirement.
A typical sequence of courses for students in the program is listed below. Students are encouraged to take BIOCHEM 275 during a fall semester. (Please check course offering & availability first)
ENGLWP 112 College Writing
ENGIN 110 Introduction to Chemical Engineering
MATH 131 Calculus I
CHEM 111 General Chemistry I
Social World Elective
CHEM-ENG 120 Chemical Engineering Fundamentals
PHYSICS 151 General Physics I
MATH 132 Calculus II
CHEM 112 General Chemistry
PHYSICS 152 General Physics II
CHEM-ENG 291A Professional Development Seminar
CHEM-ENG 220 ChE Principles of Biologoical Systems or BIOLOGY 151 Introductory Biology I
MATH 233 Multivariate Calculus
CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM-ENG 226 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics I
MATH 331 Ordinary Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 269 Organic Chemistry Lab for Nonmajors
Social World Elective
BIOCHEM 275 Cell and Molecular Biology
CHEM-ENG 325 Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics II
CHEM-ENG 330 Chemical Engineering Fluid Mechanics
CHEM-ENG 391A Professional Development Seminar
CHEM-ENG 475 or CHEM 475 Physical Chemistry
CHEM-ENG 320 Kinetics and Reactor Design
ENGIN 351 Writing in Engineering
CHEM-ENG 333 Heat and Mass Transfer
CHEM-ENG 338 Separations
CHEM-ENG 361 Mathematical Modeling
CHEM 423 Biochemistry
CHEM-ENG 401 Chemical Engineering Laboratory I
CHEM-ENG 444 Chemical Process Design I
CHEM-ENG 446 Process and Control Dynamics
CHEM-ENG 491A Professional Development Seminar
CHEM-ENG 592B Introduction to Biochemical Engineering
CHEM-ENG 590A Bioprocessing Engineering Lab
Bioengineering Special Topic
Technical Elective
Social World Elective
Social World Elective