UMA Undergraduate Guide 2013-2014
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The Majors
The department offers two undergraduate degree programs leading to the Bachelor of Science, with majors in Electrical Engineering (EE) and in Computer Systems Engineering (CSE). Detailed descriptions of both degree programs are available on the departmental website, Both require a set of lower-division core courses, and allow flexibility in the upper-division electives. All majors must also fulfill General Education and college requirements. The department curricula prepare students for employment or graduate studies in a wide variety of technical subfields such as electronic systems, wireless analog and digital communication, computer networks, embedded computing, computational analysis, environmental sensing systems, antenna design, electromagnetics, microwave engineering, system modelling, VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration), and physical electronics. CSE and EE graduates are well grounded in the fundamental concepts of mathematics, science, and engineering. They are able to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering; design and conduct experiments, as well as analyze and interpret data; and design a system, component or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability. Graduates are able to function on multidisciplinary teams and identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems. They have an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility and are able to communicate effectively. They have the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. Graduates also recognize the need for, and are able to engage in, lifelong learning, and have knowledge of contemporary issues. Graduates are proficient in the use of techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. Admission to the Majors Students are not admitted into the majors until the sophomore year, and must complete the first year requirements before admission. Applicants are required to have earned grades of C or better in each of the following courses: MATH 131; MATH 132; ENGIN 110, 111, 112 or 113; CMPSCI 121, PHYSICS 151; ENGLWRIT 112. Students planning to apply for admission to EE or CSE should take ENGIN 112, MATH 131 and PHYSICS 151 in the first semester and CMPSCI 121, MATH 132 and PHYSICS 152 in the second semester. ENGLWRIT 112 should be taken in either the first or second semester. If this plan is not followed, the student is advised to consult the Chief Undergraduate Advisor. Requirements for EE Majors Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Requirements for CSE Majors Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Notes
Additional Requirements No course taken on a Pass/Fail basis may be applied to General Education, major or PR-ENGIN requirements. In addition to fulfilling the course requirements, all Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems Engineering seniors must complete, before graduating, a survey that assesses their undergraduate education. Departmental Honors The ECE Department offers a Departmental Honors (DH) track for qualified students who enter Commonwealth Honors College at or before the beginning of their junior year. The DH track provides students with the opportunity to engage in ECE honors colloquia and in research/project work that culminates in a senior honors thesis or honors project. For further information on the DH tracks in Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems Engineering, as well as eligibility and application procedures, see . Questions can be directed to Professor Neal Anderson, the ECE Departmental Honors Coordinator. |
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