UMA Undergraduate Guide 2013-2014
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The Tracks
Two tracks are available within the public health sciences major: social science and science. Both tracks prepare students for entry-level public health positions and graduate school. The social science track is a good match for students who thrive in the social and behavioral sciences. The science track is intended for students interested in research, epidemiology, biostatistics, pre-med, pre-nursing, and physician assistant school. This track is a good match for students who excel in math and science. Each track consists of four components: Mathematics and statistics courses; foundation courses; public health core courses; and courses chosen from collateral fields related to public health. Students may choose tracks based on their interests and academic strengths. The required public health courses in each track are designed to introduce students to the five recognized public health core competencies: Community health education; health policy and management; environmental health sciences; epidemiology; and biostatistics. In addition, students in both tracks must complete a collateral requirement of 18 credits from courses of their choice that are related to the study of public health. Requirements for the Social Sciences Track II. Foundation courses: a minimum of 15 credits required from sections 1 and 2 (below) with at least 9 credits at the 200 level or above. 1. At least two courses from the following or equivalent courses: BIOLOGY 102 - Intro Biology for Science Majors BIOLOGY 105 - Biology of Social Issues BIOLOGY 106 - Human Biology BIOCHEM 100 - My DNA CHEM 101 - Gen Chem Non-Sci CHEM 111 - Gen Chem-Sci CHEM 112 - Gen Chem-Sci ENVISCI 213 - Intro to Environmental Policy KIN 100 - Introduction to Kinesiology KIN 110 - Human Performance & Nutrition KIN 270 - Anatomy & Physiology I with lab KIN 272 - Anatomy & Physiology II with lab MICROBIO 160 - Biology of Cancer and AIDS MICROBIO 255 - Intro to Medical Microbiology MICROBIO 310- General Microbiology NUTR 130 - Nutrition for a Healthy Lifestyle NUTR 140 - Nutrition, Weight and Fitness NUTR 230 - Basic Nutrition NUTR 397A - Eating Disorders PLSOILIN 126 - Insects and Human Society PLSOILIN 185 - Sustainable Living PLSOILIN 326 - Insect Biology PLSOILIN 342 - Pesticides, Public Policy, & Environment 2. At least three courses from the following or equivalent courses approved by the student’s academic advisor: ANTHRO 205 - Inequality and Oppression ANTHRO 312 - Medical Anthropology ANTHRO 397RR - Disease Ecology ECON 103 - Introduction to Microeconomics ECON 104 - Introduction to Macroeconomics ECON 105 - Introduction to Political Economy ECON 308 - Political Economics of the Environment EDUC 202 - Social Issues in Intergroup Relations: Exploring Social/Cultural Differences and Common Ground EDUC 210 - Social Diversity in Education EDUC 229 - International Education GEOSCI 102 - Human Landscape PHIL 170 - Problems in Social Thought PLSOILIN 140 - Plagues: the Ecology of Disease POLISCI 111 - Comparative Politics POLISCI 181 - Controversies in Public Policy POLISCI 220 - Public Administration POLISCI 252 - Globalization, Governance and World Order POLISCI 253 - International Environ Politics and Policy POLISCI 381 - Health, Education, and Arts Policy PSYCH 100 - Introduction Psychology PSYCH 305 - Educational Psychology PSYCH 350 - Child Psychology PSYCH 355 - Adolescent Psychology PSYCH 360 - Social Psychology PSYCH 380 - Abnormal Psychology RES-ECON 121- Hunger in a Global Economy SOCIOL 103 - Social Problems SOCIOL 106 - Race, Sex, & Social Class SOCIOL 110 - General Introduction Sociology SOCIOL 224 – Social, Class, and Inequality WOMENSST 201 - Gender and Difference: Critical Analyses WOMENSST 297B - ST-Race, Gender, Sexuality and Science WOMENSST 301 - Theorizing Gender, Race, and Power III. Public Health Courses A. The following courses are required: B. An additional 9 credits in Public Health at the 300-599 level. -Take one 500-level PUBHLTH course IV. Collateral Fields related to Public Health Courses At least 18 credits are required, with 12 or more credits at the 300 level or above. Pre-approval from an advisor is required before courses are able to count toward the collateral. Fill out Collateral Field Proposal Form and submit it to Peer Advisors in Arnold House Rm 330. Course material must be relevant to the study of public health. Details for this requirement and suggestions for public health related majors/minors/certificates can be found on our website: Requirements for the Science Track II. Foundation courses: At least 15 credits required of the following courses from section one and two. At least 8 credit has to be from Section One Section One: Choose one of the following course sequences: CHEM 111 – General Chemistry I CHEM 112 – General Chemistry II CHEM 261 – Organic Chemistry CHEM 262 – Organic Chemistry CHEM 269 – Organic Chemistry with Lab KIN 270 & 271 – Anatomy & Physiology I with lab KIN 272 & 273 – Anatomy & Physiology II with lab MICROBIO 310 – General Microbiology MICROBIO 312 – Microbiology Lab PHYSICS 131 – Intro to Physics I with lab PHYSICS 132 – Intro to Physics II with lab Section Two: Choose two courses from below or another course sequence from above. BIOCHEM 420 - Elementary Biochemistry BIOLOGY 151 - Introduction to Biology I BIOLOGY 152 - Introduction to Biology II BIOLOGY 153 - Introduction to Biology Lab BIOLOGY 190H - Quantitative Biology of the Cell BIOLOGY 284 - General Genetics BIOLOGY 285 - Cell and Molecular Biology BIOLOGY 383H - Gene and Genome Analysis CHEM 250- Organic Chemistry CE-ENGIN 371 - Water and Wastewater Management CE-ENGIN 462 - Water Resources Engineering and Sustainability CE-ENGIN 469 - Water Supply & Water Collection CE-ENGIN 473 – Groundwater CE-ENGIN 476 - Solid and Hazardous Waste Management ENVISCI 315 - Principles of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry ENVISCI 515 - Microbiology of Soil ENVISCI 530 - Aquatic Toxicology III. Public Health Courses 1. The following courses are required: B. An additional 9 credits in Public Health at the 300-599 level. IV. Collateral Fields related to Public Health Courses At least 18 credits are required, with 12 or more credits at the 300 level or above. Pre-approval from an advisor is required before courses are able to count toward the collateral. Fill out Collateral Field Proposal Form and submit it to Peer Advisors in Arnold House Rm 330. Course material must be relevant to the study of public health. Details for this requirement and suggestions for public health related majors/minors/certificates can be found on our website:
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