The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

100 Introduction to Theater (AL) (both sem) 4 cr

110 Performance Management (both sem) 1 cr

120 Play Analysis for Theatrical Production (both sem)

130 Contemporary Playwrights of Color (ALU) 4cr

140 Beginning Techniques in Performance (both sem)

160 Beginning Techniques for Design (both sem)

210 Rehearsal and Production (both sem) 2-6 cr

240 Beginning Voice for the Actor

310 Theater Practice (both sem)

320 Classical Repertory

321 Renaissance and Neoclassical Repertory

322 Modern Repertory

330 American Repertory (AL)

333 Contemporary Repertory

341 Stage Movement

342 Acting (both sem)

345 Directing (1st sem)

360 Scenic Design

361 Lighting Design

362 Costume Design

393N Devised Theater

393S Sound Design

397F Spanish and Latin American

397T Contemporary Repertory: Women

398D Scenic Construction Studio

442 Acting II

443 Period Acting

444 Performance in Detonated Language

445 Directing II  (IE) (2nd sem)

493J Musical Theater

493R Performance in Shakespearean Plays

493W Clown for Actors

497V The Art of Adaption

593L Lighting for Dance

593S Sound Design Studio

596A Drawing and Rendering

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