UMA Undergraduate Guide 2016-2017
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Educator Licensure Programs
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires that all PreK-12 educators complete an approved licensure program and possess an Initial Educator license. The Educator Preparation programs in the College are approved by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) and lead to endorsement for the Initial Educator License. Massachusetts regulations require that candidates for Initial Educator Licensure complete a major in the Liberal Arts and Sciences or an approved interdisciplinary major appropriate to the license sought, as well as complete an approved Educator Preparation program. Candidates must also pass a two-part examination in Communication and Literacy Skills and one or two examinations in the subject content of the license sought. Candidates who completed licensure requirements at the University had 100% pass rates on the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL). To earn a Professional License, individuals who hold the Initial License must complete an approved master’s degree or equivalent program. The College offers approved educator licensure programs leading to an Initial Educator License in Early Childhood Education (undergraduate only), Elementary Education (masters only), and in a variety of academic subject areas in Secondary Education at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Students interested in the Early Childhood Education undergraduate program should contact the Educator Licensure Officer, Kim Drake at Admission to Educator Preparation Programs Educator Information Office Elementary Education Secondly, students must complete the Elementary Licensure Program, which offers a Masters of Education degree leading to Initial Licensure in Massachusetts. This one-year program requires 39 credits, 15 of which are field-based in schools. It is designed for dynamic students interested in an intensive, full-time program rooted in the ideas of constructivism. The program is planned to meet the needs of three groups of individuals who desire a teaching license: 1) graduating seniors at the University of Massachusetts Amherst; 2) seniors from other institutions; and 3) second-career professionals. Admission is competitive. Students must make formal application to the Graduate School by January 2 of their senior year. Admissions criteria include a minimum grade point average of 3.0, a written personal statement, letters of recommendation, previous experience working with children, pre-requisite coursework, and a personal interview. Students are encouraged to seek advising in the Educator Information Office, W120 Furcolo Hall, for information regarding the Minor in Education and the Elementary Licensure Program. Middle and Secondary Education Criteria for admission includes the strength of the applicant’s personal statement, recommendations, relevant experience, and grade point average of 3.0. A passing score on the Communication and Literacy Skills portion of the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure is also required. Completion of licensure courses, the program, and the academic major usually requires a minimum of nine semesters of academic work. The program is geared to prospective teachers who combine a strong academic background in their field with a commitment to working with young people. STEP is guided by the belief that teaching is a creative, intellectual and moral endeavor. STEP emphasizes the importance for prospective teachers of examining their own educational and life experiences and developing the insight and skills necessary to teach all young people effectively, creatively and equitably, regardless of their race, gender or social class. The program focuses on teaching approaches that engage students in active learning, critical thinking, and the construction of their own meaning. Students who complete the requirements for their academic degree before completing the STEP licensure requirements may receive their baccalaureate, and continue in the STEP program. For more information contact the Educator Information Office, W120 Furcolo Hall, tel. (413) 545-2002. Post-baccalaureate Teacher Licensure |
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