UMA Undergraduate Guide 2016-2017
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The Faculty
Director: Sonia E. Alvarez (Political Science); Associate Director and Chief Adviser: Gloria Bernabe-Ramos (CLACLS, Adjunct Spanish and Portuguese); Associated Faculty: Joselyn Almeida-Beveridge (English), Luiz Amaral (Spanish and Portuguese), Meghan Armstrong (Spanish and Portuguese), Theresa Y. Austin (Education), Benjamin Bailey (Communication), Marisol Barbón (Comparative Literature), Angélica Bernal (Political Science), James Boyce (Economics), Marta Calás (Management), Julio Capo (History), Mari Castañeda (Communication), Leda Cooks (Communication), David Cort (Sociology), N.C. Christopher Couch (Comparative Literature), Emiliana Cruz (Anthropology), Alexandrina Deschamps (Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies), Carlene J. Edie (Political Science), Gerald Epstein (Economics), Harley M. Erdman (Theater), Martín Espada (English), Francisco C. Fagundes (Spanish and Portuguese), Nancy Folbre (Economics), Marta Fuentes-Bautista (Communication), Regina Galasso (Comparative Literature), Patricia Galvis-Assmus (Art), Henry Geddes (Communication), Patricia Gubitosi (Spanish and Portuguese), Agustín Laó-Montes (Sociology), Luis Marentes (Spanish and Portuguese), Rachel L. Mordecai (English), Claudio Moreira (Communication), Michael Morgan (Communication), Kysa Nigreen (Education), José N. Ornelas (Spanish and Portuguese), Ellen Pader (Regional Planning), Priscilla M. Page (Theater), Daphne Patai (Spanish and Portuguese), Ventura Perez (Anthropology), Robert Pollin (Economics), J. Mohan Rao (Economics), Emma Rivera-Rábago (Spanish and Portuguese), Rosa Rodríguez-Monguío (Public Health), Jonathan Rosa (Anthropology), Margara Russotto (Spanish and Portuguese), Miguel Romero (Theater), Amilcar Shabbaz (Afro-American Studies), Millicent Thayer (Sociology), Jacqueline Urla (Anthropology), Laura A. Valdiviezo (Education), Joel W. Wolfe (History), and Kevin Young (History). W.E.B. DuBois Library: Isabel Espinal, Peter Stern (History). |
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