UMA Undergraduate Guide 2018-2019
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Getting Started (Majors Guide)
How to Explore/Get Started in the MajorSuggested General Education CoursesUnder the new guidelines students are still required to take two courses, one in U.S. Diversity and one in Global Diversity. Students entering in Fall 2018 are expected to take one of these diversity courses, either U.S. or Global, in their first year on campus. For Fall 2018 Registration, look for courses with DU (formerly U) and DG (formerly G) to help students stay on track. Any course labled DU will satisfy the requirement for a U.S. diversity course and any course labeled DG will satisfy the the requirement for Global diversity course. Course planning guidelines, including guidelines for students, are available at Suggested Major & Pre-requisite CoursesIncoming freshmen accepted by portfolio review into the Bachelor of Fine Arts Studio Program are advised to take the following first-semester Art courses as part of a year-long Foundations sequence:
In addition, they must take one of the following Art History sequences:
NOTE: A total of four Art History courses are required across the four year studio program. Students without portfolios or those who wish to strengthen their portfolio should register for ART 104. This is a non-major equivalent course which can be taken in lieu of Foundations 110. Aspiring art majors may take ART-HIST 115 followed by ART-HIST 324 (preferred) or the 100-110 sequence. How to Declare the MajorASPIRING ART MAJORS SHOULD MEET WITH THE Department's Undergraduate Program Director AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. A minimum 3.0 GPA is required in predictor courses; 2.0 overall. Although the Art Department does consider GPAs in making its decision, greater emphasis is placed on the portfolio review. The UPD highly recommends that students meet for a portfolio critique prior to submitting their portfolio for admission to the major. Under rolling admissions, on-campus students may submit their portfolio at any time, the earlier the better, prior to registration for the semester in which they wish to enter the major. Application forms as well as portfolio and procedural information are available online at Transfer Students:Consult with the Department's Undergraduate Program Director before selecting courses or very early in the Add/Drop period of their first semester at UMass to be certain that they are on the right track. Summary of Requirements for the MajorDegrees offered within the Department of Art are:
Specific disciplines (media-oriented focus) are chosen by students after Foundations and a sampling of 200-level courses have been completed. Application to a discipline usually takes place during the sophomore year. The following disciplines are available in the BFA Studio Arts major: Animation, Ceramics, Intermedia, Painting, Printmaking, Sculpture, Art Education, and Interdisciplinary Studies Is there a minor? If so what are the requirements? For further information, contact: