UMA Undergraduate Guide 2018-2019
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Getting Started (Majors Guide)
How to Explore/Get Started in the MajorSuggested General Education CoursesUnder the new guidelines students are still required to take two courses, one in U.S. Diversity and one in Global Diversity. Students entering in Fall 2018 are expected to take one of these diversity courses, either U.S. or Global, in their first year on campus. For Fall 2018 Registration, look for courses with DU (formerly U) and DG (formerly G) to help students stay on track. Any course labled DU will satisfy the requirement for a U.S. diversity course and any course labeled DG will satisfy the the requirement for Global diversity course. Course planning guidelines, including guidelines for students, are available at following courses, all of which are taught in English, fulfill program requirements:
Suggested Major and Pre-requisite CoursesGERMAN 110, 120, 230, 240 or SWEDISH 110, 120, 230, 240 (or their equivalents) In general, four years of high school German or Swedish should guarantee proficiency through the 240-level. Students uncertain of their language level should contact the Chief Undergraduate Advisor about placement. How to Declare the MajorIt is recommended that students declare the major as soon as possible, so that language courses are taken in the proper sequence. To apply, meet with the Chief Undergraduate Advisor. Summary of Requirements for the MajorGERMAN CONCENTRATION Group A – Four language courses above the 240 level GERMAN 310, 311, 320, 425 (or their equivalents) Group B – Six additional courses, approved by German and Scandinavian Studies from the following distribution areas: 1. History and Society, 2. Literature and Linguistics, 3. Film and visual Culture, 4. Cultural Studies, 5. Junior Year Writing*, 6. Capstone/Integrative Experience* *Junior Year Writing and Capstone/Integrative Experience must be replaced by an approved elective course if taken in another major SCANDINAVIAN CONCENTRATION Group A – Six required courses in Scandinavian Studies SWEDISH 310, 320, SCAND 250, 597B, Junior Year Writing*, Capstone/Integrative Experience* *Junior Year Writing and Capstone/Integrative Experience must be replaced by an approved elective course if taken in another major Group B - Four additional courses approved by German and Scandinavian Studies +++Exceptions, equivalencies, approvals, and substitutions may be made by the Undergraduate Adviser+++ NOTE: Majors are encouraged to spend one or two semesters, normally during their junior year, studying on the UMass IPO exchange in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany, or at Linköping University in Sweden with one of several Scandinavian study-abroad programs. Is there a minor? If so, what are the requirements? Yes. The German or Scandinavian minor can be a useful complement to such fields as Art History, History, Judaic Studies, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology and STPEC. Five courses are required for the minor:
For further information, contact the chief undergraduate advisors: |