UMA Undergraduate Guide 2018-2019
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Getting Started (Majors Guide)
How to Explore / Get Started in the MajorSuggested General Education CoursesUnder the new guidelines students are still required to take two courses, one in U.S. Diversity and one in Global Diversity. Students entering in Fall 2018 are expected to take one of these diversity courses, either U.S. or Global, in their first year on campus. For Fall 2018 Registration, look for courses with DU (formerly U) and DG (formerly G) to help students stay on track. Any course labled DU will satisfy the requirement for a U.S. diversity course and any course labeled DG will satisfy the the requirement for Global diversity course. Course planning guidelines, including guidelines for students, are available at Although no General Education courses are specifically recommended, logic and mathematics courses are valuable. Suggested Major and Pre-requisite CoursesLINGUIST 201 (R2) is prerequisite to LINGUIST 401, 402, 404, 409, 412, 414, 505, 510. In addition, LINGUIST 101 would be a good choice. How to Declare the MajorStudents should declare the major by the first semester of their junior year at the latest. A grade of "A" in LINGUIST 201 is highly desirable. All students are urged to meet with the undergraduate advisor in Linguistics to plan their programs. Summary of Requirements for the MajorMinimum total # of credits required: 36 (or more depending on major focus) Students must earn a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 in the major. Linguistics offers a “pure” major and nine interdisciplinary majors in which the study of linguistics forms a significant part of the curriculum. The pure major includes a six-credit cross-linguistic grammar requirement. The joint majors combine linguistics with Anthropology, Chinese, German, Japanese, Philosophy, Portuguese, Psychology, Russian, or Spanish. All majors require a certain number of central linguistics courses, and these are combined with courses from the other discipline in the joint majors. In addition, all majors must satisfy the HFA foreign language requirement and the junior year writing and integrative experience requirements. Joint majors may meet the junior year writing and integrative experience requirements in either department. Students interested in any of these majors should see their advisor in Linguistics to plan their program. For interdisciplinary majors combining linguistics and another discipline beyond those listed above, students should see their advisor in Linguistics to plan a major through the BDIC Program. Is there a minor? If so what are the requirements?
For further information, contact: Professor Rajesh Bhatt Assistant Professor Krisine Yu |