UMA Undergraduate Guide 2019-2020
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Getting Started
How to Explore the MajorSuggested General Education CoursesAll Undergraduates are required to satisfy the General Education Requirements. Guidelines for students, are available at Social World/Diversity courses are recommended. Suggested Major and Pre-requisite CoursesRequired prerequisites:
NOTE: GEOLOGY 103 Oceanography plus GEOLOGY 131 Introductory Geology Lab OR GEOLOGY 105 Dynamic Earth plus GEOLOGY 131 Introductory Geology Lab OR GEOGRAPHY 110 Global Environmental Change plus GEOLOGY 131 Introductory Geology Lab are also accepted combinations. First-year students should take*:
Fransfers with sophomore/junior standing should take*:
*Please consult with a Geology Advisor. **Note that CHEM 111 is a pre-requisite (or co-requisite) for GEOLOGY 311. How to Declare/Change into the MajorFor current students, this major unrestricted which means any student can declare the major. Unrestricted majors may still have an entry process such as meeting with an advisor or attending an informational meeting. Students should speak with a Geology advisor (Professor Leckie, or Professor Clement for CHC students). The earlier students declare the major, the greater the flexibility in course selection as juniors and seniors. Summary of Requirements for the MajorRefer to the Major page located in the left menu bar to learn more. Minimum total credits required: 47-69 depending on subplan. The department offers three different degree tracks* as follows, with minimum credits listed for each:
*Total credits include supporting science courses, NATSCI 387 (Junior Year Writing), and GEOLOGY 494LI (IE course). Please refer to individual checklists available from the Geosciences advisor at NSO or in the Geosciences Main Office, 233 Morrill Science. Is there a minor? If so, what are the requirements? For further information, contact: Professor Bill Clement, |