UMA Undergraduate Guide 2019-2020
![]() ![]() ![]() The MajorStudents select psychology as a major for many reasons. Some students wish to prepare themselves for graduate study and careers as professional psychologists, physicians, or lawyers. Others have general interests in fields such as social work and community mental health or may wish to work with young children, adolescents or the elderly. Many students aspire to careers in business, and perceive the psychology major as a marketable background. Others derive great satisfaction from developing insights into human behavior, and view the science of psychology as an important component of their liberal arts education. RequirementsThe major consists of a minimum of 40 credits in Psychology courses, distributed as follows. Any requests for exception or substitution must be made to the Chief Undergraduate Adviser, Dr. Tamara Rahhal. Students must complete their R1 General Education math requirement before declaring the major.
Restrictions on Courses for the MajorCourses applied to major requirements may not be graded on a Pass/Fail basis. Students must have a 2.000 GPA within the major in order to graduate. A maximum of 15 Psychology credits may be earned in independent study. Students must complete PSYCH 100 with a grade of C or better and complete Math 101 and 102 or a higher level math course or Stat 111 in order to enroll in PSYCH 240. Students must complete PSYCH 240 with a grade of C or better in order to enroll in PSYCH 241. Limitation on Transfer CreditStudents are required to complete at least 18 Psychology credits in residence at UMass Amherst. Exchange, Internships, Cooperative EducationIt is recommended that majors who are considering one of these opportunities first complete PSYCH 100, 240, and 241. Honors CoursesThe Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences tries to offer at least four honors courses each semester. These are small classes (25 students) intended to be intensive learning experiences. Admission to Psychology Honors courses is generally restricted to declared honors students. Psychology/Neuroscience Track
The Psychology/Neuroscience track is an undergraduate program offered within the department that emphasizes the biological and neurological bases of human and animal behavior. This program is particularly suited for students planning a professional career in any of the neurosciences (e.g., neurobiology, neurophysiology, neuropharmacology, behavioral neuroscience or cognitive neuroscience) or individuals enrolled in pre-medical or pre-veterinary studies who are interested in neuroscience and behavior. Students entering the track must have and maintain a minimum GPA of 3.000. Course requirements for the Psychology/Neuroscience track are as follows: Psychology100 or 110; 240; 241; 330; 392A; any two out of 320, 315, or 335; any one out of 350, 360 or 380; and one advanced neuroscience-related elective of at least three credits, at 500 level or above, including 572 Neurobiology (cross-listed with Biology), or any seminar at the 300 level or above in a neuroscience topic area. Note that courses at the 600 level or above require consent of instructor. Laboratory RequirementStudents must satisfy a requirement for a laboratory experience in neuroscience. This requirement may be satisfied in one of several ways: (a) course option—PSYCH 430 (Laboratory in Neuroscience); (b) Independent Study option—PSYCH 496A (Independent Study in Research) or BIOLOGY 396 or 496 Independent Study taken for at least three, letter-graded credits with a faculty member in the Neuroscience and Behavior Program. See for a list of NSB faculty members and their research interests; or (c) Honors Thesis option—PSYCH 499T or BIOLOGY 499T, taken for at least three credits with a faculty member in Neuroscience and Behavior. Natural Science and Mathematics
In selecting their science and mathematics courses, students should be aware of prerequisite requirements for higher level offerings and, if appropriate, the requirements for admissions to medical or veterinary school (see Dr. Wilmore Webley, Shade Tree Lab, tel. (413) 545-1126 for further information). Also note that the same course cannot be used to fulfill more than one Psychology/Neuroscience track requirement (e.g., BIOLOGY 285 cannot fulfill both c) and g) above). For more information and/or to register yourself as a Psychology/Neuroscience student, contact either of the Undergraduate Neuroscience Track Advisors (Dr. Lori Astheimer, 539 Tobin, tel. (413) 545-5955 and Dr. Matt Davidson, 416 Tobin, tel. (413) 545-1579). Specialization in Developmental Disabilities and Human Services
The Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences has partnered with the Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services to offer a Letter of Specialization in Developmental Disabilities and Human Services (DDHS). The DDHS specialization offers undergraduates across disciplines the opportunity to obtain the skills needed for careers in the disablilty and broader human services field. A combination of coursework (9 credits) and internship experience (3 credits) perpares students to work with and support individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in a variety of settings. Students are required to complete (1) Psych 480 Intellectual Disability: Concepts and Controversy, (2) Psych 491D Impact of Disabilities on Families, and (3) an autism-focused course, such as Psych 397D Autism Spectrum Disorder, Psych 581 Applied Behavior Analysis, Comm Dis 540 Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders or Educ 532 Behavior Analysis in Applied Settings: Theory, Research and Practice. Psychological Modeling SpecializationThis program offers undergraduates the chance to earn a letter of specialization in mathematical approaches to psychological research. The purpose of the program is to help students prepare for sophisticated research practices they will encounter in graduate school and beyond. Education Abroad
The University offers a wide variety of international exchange and overseas study programs. Traditionally, psychology majors have been well represented in such programs, studying in various institutions in Great Britain, Japan, Germany, France, Israel, Italy, Australia, Spain, and Canada, among others. International Programs, William S. Clark International Center, tel. (413) 545-2710, may be consulted for specific information on these and other overseas study opportunities. It is recommended that psychology majors complete PSYCH 240 and PSYCH 241 prior to embarking on exchange. |