The Courses
(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)
101 The Earth (PS) (both sem) 4 cr
103 Introductory Oceanography (PS) (both sem) 4 cr
105 Dynamic Earth (PS) 4 cr
110 Global Environmental Change (PS) 4 cr
131 Experiencing Geology (both sem) 1 cr
201 History of the Earth (2nd sem) 4 cr
231 Geological Field Methods (2nd sem)
285 Environmental Geology (PS) (1st sem)
311 Mineralogy (1st sem) 4 cr
321 Petrology (2nd sem) 4 cr
331 Geological Mapping (1st sem)
415 Introduction to Geochemistry
431 Structural Geology (1st sem) 4 cr
445 Sedimentology (1st sem) 4cr
485 Applied Environmental Geology (1st sem) 4 cr
515 X-ray Fluorescence Analysis (1st sem) 2 cr
517 Sedimentary Geochemistry (1st sem alt yrs)
519 Aqueous and Environmental Geochemistry 4 cr
531 Tectonics (2nd sem alt yrs) 4 cr
539 Advanced Geological Mapping (1st sem)
563 Glacial Geology (1st sem) 4 cr
567 Planetary Geology (offered at irregular intervals)
571 General Geophysics (1st sem)
573 Environmental Geophysics (2nd sem, alt yrs)
575 Paleomagnetism (1st sem)
587 Hydrogeology (2nd sem) 4 cr
591C Introduction to Climate Modeling
591G Granites and Rhyolites (1st sem)
591M Micropaleontology
591V Volcanology
595D Physical Oceanography 4 cr
597P Paleoceanography 4 cr
597A Tectonophysics
597I Isotope Geochemistry
The following graduate courses are also open to undergraduates.
615 Organic and Biogeochemistry
621 Sedimentary Petrology (2nd sem)
631 Brittle Fracture Analysis (offered at irregular intervals) 4 cr
Additional electives can be chosen in physical geography. For details, see the Geography course listing.