The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

101 People and Their Language (SBDU) (both sem) 4 cr

190A Language Acquisition and Human Nature

201 How Language Works:  Introduction to Linguistic Theory (R2) (both sem)

305 Writing for Linguistics (JYW)

350 Syntax and the Dialects of English (JYW)

370 Sounds of Englishes (SBDU) (1st sem) 4 cr

389 Introduction to African American English  (IE)  4 cr

391B Indigenous Languages of North America (1st sem)

392A Dream of a Perfect Language

394BI Language and Cognition (IE)

397B Discourse Analysis

401 Introduction to Syntax (both sem)

402 Speech Sounds and Structure

404 Field Methods  (IE) 4 cr

411 Introduction to Language Acquisition (2nd sem) 4 cr

412 Language Processing and the Brain (1st sem) (IE)

414 Introduction to Phonetics for Linguists  4 cr

492A Seminar in Phonology

495C Morphology

503 Intermediate Syntax (2nd sem)

505 Introduction to Historical Linguistics

509 Introduction to Computational Linguistics (1st sem)

510 Introduction to Semantics (both sem) 4 cr

590A Quantitative Methods

594A Structure of African American English (2nd sem)