The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

101 The Earth (PS) (both sem) 4 cr

103 Introductory Oceanography (PS) (both sem) 4 cr

105 Dynamic Earth (PS) 4 cr

131 Experiencing Geology (both sem) 1 cr

231 Methods in Geosciences (2nd sem)

285 Environmental Geology (1st sem)

311 Mineralogy (1st sem) 4 cr

321 Petrology (2nd sem) 4 cr

331 Geological Mapping (1st sem)

351 Skills and Methods in Earth History Studies (2nd sem) 1 cr

394LI Earth History: Life, Climate, Environment (2nd sem) 

415 Introduction to Geochemistry (2nd sem) 

431 Structural Geology (1st sem) 4 cr

445 Sedimentology (1st sem) 4cr

494LI Living on Earth (both sem) 

The following graduate courses (GEOGRAPH or GEOSCI) are also open to undergraduates.

510 Natural Hazards (2nd sem alt years) 

517 Sedimentary Geochemistry (1st sem alt yrs)

519 Aqueous and Environmental Geochemistry 4 cr

531 Tectonics (2nd sem alt yrs) 4 cr

539 Advanced Geological Mapping (1st sem)

557 Coastal Processes (2nd sem alt years) 

560 Geomorphology (2nd sem alt years) 4 cr

563 Glacial Geology (1st sem) 4 cr

558 Paleoclimatology (1st sem alt years) 3 cr

571 General Geophysics (1st sem)

573 Environmental Geophysics (2nd sem, alt yrs)

587 Hydrogeology (2nd sem) 4 cr

Additional electives can be chosen in physical geography. For details, see the Geography course listing.