The Major


Students select one of the following track options:

General Languages and Literature

  • 6 courses in Comparative Literature (up to 2 may be at the 200 level, or 1 at the 100 level and 1 at the 200 level)
  • 4 upper-level courses in your choice of a 1st language (this is often English)
  • 3 upper-level courses in a 2nd language

Advanced Language and Literature with Work in a Third Language


  • 6 courses in Comparative Literature (up to 2 may be at the 200 level, or 1 at the 100 level and 1 at the 200 level)
  • 4 upper-level courses in the 1st language
  • 2 upper-level courses in a 2nd language
  • 2 courses or 6 credits of elementary work in a 3rd language


  • 6 courses in Comparative Literature (up to 2 may be at the 200 level, or 1 at the 100 level and 1 at the 200 level)
  • 3 upper-level courses in the 1st language
  • 2 upper-level courses in a 2nd language
  • 2 upper-level courses in a 3rd language

Literature and a Related Discipline

  • 6 courses in Comparative Literature (up to 2 may be at the 200 level, or 1 at the 100 level and 1 at the 200 level)
  • 3 upper-level courses in the 1st language
  • 2 upper-level courses in a 2nd language
  • 4 upper-level courses in the department of a related discipline of your choice

For a full description of film study or translation study as a related discipline, see Film Concentration and Translation Concentration

What counts as an "upper-level course"?

In language and literature departments:

French, Italian, German, Swedish, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and Polish:

Courses numbered 240 and higher count towards the Comp Lit major.

When possible, most of these courses should focus on literature, film, or a related topic (i.e. not language or conversation).

Chinese and Japanese:

Courses numbered 200 and above count towards the major.

Chinese and Japanese 246 (6-credit intensive courses) each count as one course.


Courses numbered 200 and above count towards the major.

One creative writing course may also be counted towards the major.


Intermediate courses and above count towards the major (numbering varies).

Other languages:

Check with the Undergraduate Program Director.

 In the Related Discipline:

  • Any course that counts towards the major in the Related Discipline will count in this category.
  • Film Concentration: Any film class, taken in any department, may count towards the Related Discipline component of the major.
  • Translation Concentration: Any translation class, taken in any department, may count towards the Related Discipline component of the major.

Which Comparative Literature courses should I take?

  1. All Comp Lit courses numbered 300 and above count towards the major.
  2. One 100-level CL course and one 200-level CL course or two 200-level CL courses may be counted towards the major.
  3. The 4-credit Integrative Experience course “Literary Theory and Criticism” (CL394TI) is required for all majors. It is typically offered in the Spring.
  4. Students are strongly encouraged to take courses that focus on diverse geographical and/or linguistic regions, historical periods, and genres or media.
  5. No more than 6 Independent Study credits may be counted towards the major.
  6. The Junior Year Writing requirement is fulfilled by CL357 (“Writing Matters”), offered every Fall. This course fulfills a General Education requirement and does not count towards the major.


  1. A minimum G.P.A. of 2.0 is required in all courses counting toward the major.
  2. No courses counting toward the major may be taken pass/fail. Exceptions may be made for courses taken pass/fail during the Covid-19 pandemic.


For information about Honors in Comp Lit, please contact the Comparative Literature Honors Coordinator, Professor Don Levine (

Related Programs at UMass

Center for Latin American, Caribbean and Latino Studies • Interdepartmental Program in Film Studies • Medieval Studies Certificate • Translation Center