The Major

Last updated Spring 2021

Students can choose a concentration in German Studies or STEM-German. Prerequisites for the German concentration are GERMAN 110, 120, 230, 240, or their equivalents. Prerequisites for the STEM-German concentration are GERMAN 110 and 120 or their equivalents; students are also encouraged to take GERMAN 111 and 121 (STEM-German I and II). Students interested in applying for the major should meet with the undergraduate program director, who will help them determine their language proficiency. In general, four years of high school German should guarantee proficiency through the 240 level. Students must complete 10 major courses, including courses in advanced German language, culture, and composition.  All students choose electives in history and society, literature and linguistics, film and visual culture, and cultural studies. Majors in both concentrations must also complete a capstone project under the guidance of a faculty advisor.

Students who wish to do so may combine study in the program with work in a different field. Our students frequently have a second major or a minor in Linguistics, History, Political Science, Business, English, or one of the many other languages offered at UMass. We also regularly have majors and minors combining their German Studies major with a major or minor in, for example, Environmental Studies, Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, Hospitality and Tourism Management, and Anthropology. Double majors are encouraged.

Requirements for the Major

German Concentration


German 110, 120, 230, and 240 or their equivalents

Group A: Four German language courses above the 240 level

  • GERMAN 310 Advanced German I
  • GERMAN 311 Reading German Culture
  • GERMAN 320 Advanced German II
  • GERMAN 425 Advanced German III

*Or their equivalents*

Group B: Six additional courses, approved by German Studies from the following distribution areas

  1. History and Society
  2. Literature and Linguistics
  3. Film and Visual Culture
  4. Cultural Studies
  5. Junior Year Writing+
  6. Capstone/Integrative Experience

+ Junior Year Writing must be replaced by an approved elective course if taken in another major.
* Exceptions, equivalencies, approvals, and substitutions may be made by the Undergraduate Advisor.

STEM-German Concentration


German 110 and 120 or their equivalents. Students should also complete German 111 and 121.

Part A: At least 18 credits in German language courses at the German 230 level and above

  • GERMAN 230: Intermediate German I
  • GERMAN 231: STEM-German III
  • GERMAN 240: Intermediate German II
  • GERMAN 241: STEM-German IV
  • GERMAN 312: Advanced Scientific & Technical German I
  • GERMAN 322: Advanced Scientific & Technical German II
  • Independent Study or Internship in Germany

*Or their equivalents*

Part B: At least 12 credits in additional courses approved by German Studies

+ Junior Year Writing and Capstone/Integrative Experience may count toward Part B if taken in German Studies.
+ Credit hours earned through Independent Study or Internship in Germany may count toward Part B if those credits are not applied to Part A.
* Exceptions, equivalencies, approvals, and substitutions may be made by the Undergraduate Advisor or by the Director of iSTEP: international Science Technology & Engineering Programs.

Joint Major in German and Linguistics

Students may elect an interdisciplinary major in German and Linguistics offered by the Linguistics Department. Requirements include the successful completion of four courses (12 credits) in German (110, 120, 230, and 240, or equivalent) and 30 credits distributed between Linguistics and German.

Study Abroad

We strongly encourage our majors and minors to spend a semester or a year studying abroad in Germany. The University of Massachusetts has long-standing partner agreements with all nine research universities in the German state of Baden-Württemberg. Our students consistently tell us that their study abroad is one of the most important experiences of their lives.