East Asian Languages & Cultures

440 Herter Hall

Degree: Bachelor of Arts

For Chinese

Contact: Enhua Zhang
Office: 340 Herter Hall
Phone: (413) 545-4946
Email: ezhang@llc.umass.edu

For Japanese

Contact: Stephen Forrest
Office: 441 Herter Hall
Phone: (413) 545-4950
Email: sforrest@asianlan.umass.edu

Contact: Reiko Sono
Office: 331 Herter Hall
Phone: (413) 545-4947
Email: rsono@asianlan.umass.edu

Website: www.umass.edu/asian

Directors of Program: Associate Professor Zhijun Wang (Chinese Language & Literature) and Professor Amanda Seaman (Japanese Language & Literature); Associate Professors: Baird, Chiu, Schneider, Zhang; Senior Lecturers: Feng, Forrest, Koyama-Hartsfield, Shiomi, Sono, Yoshimura; Lecturers: Kong, Lee; Five-College Senior Lecturer: Park; Research Assistant Professors: Brooks, Taupier.