The Field

The Department of Aerospace Studies—also known on campus as “Air Force ROTC”—is unique in that it is the only agent through which a student can, upon graduation, receive a commission as an officer in the United States Air Force or United States Space Force. To earn this commission, a cadet (a student pursuing a commission) must meet the Reserve Officer Training Corps eligibility requirements, enroll in Aerospace Studies courses, attend a two-hour, no-credit leadership lab each week, pass an Air Force Officer Qualifying Test, be physically qualified, attend an officer field training program, and receive a baccalaureate or postgraduate degree. Upon graduation and commissioning, the officer will normally serve a period of active duty in the Air or Space Force. Qualified students in good academic standing, in any recognized major, are eligible for a commission. The department places no demands upon the student’s curriculum. Aerospace Studies academic courses are open to all students

Air Force ROTC Advantages

The Air Force ROTC program combines valuable hands-on leadership and management training which greatly enhances a student’s overall college education and future job opportunities either in the United States Air Force, the United States Space Force or the civilian sector. The goal is to produce future leaders for the Air Force, Space Force and the nation. Qualified students may explore these opportunities during the first two years of the program with no military obligation. This experience also includes visiting Air Force installations, receiving Air Force aircraft flight orientations, participating in Space Force operations programs, flying light aircraft, and participating in a variety of challenging and unique training programs.

Basic Program

The Four-Year Air Force ROTC program is comprised of the General Military Course (GMC) and the Professional Officer Course (POC), and is tailored for cadets with three or more years of undergraduate study remaining. In the GMC, a cadet learns the mission and structures of the Air Force and the growing Space Force, examines military life, and studies team and leadership fundamentals.  The leadership lab, which is required for all cadets, is cadet-led. This leadership experience prepares them for increased levels of responsibility and their future role as military officers. Activities include a variety of professional and social functions. Course textbooks are available to all students at no cost, and uniforms and other essential materials are also provided to cadets at no cost.

When cadets complete the GMC, they compete to attend field training. This rigorous program of leadership training, physical conditioning and small arms familiarization increases a cadet’s potential to be an Air Force officer. Travel to and from the field training base and all room and board is paid for by the Air Force. After successful completion, cadets may enroll in the Professional Officer Course (POC).

The POC offers advanced training in leadership, management, and communication skills and focuses on Air Force situations. It also takes an in-depth look at the theories of management and their application. Students analyze the role of the armed forces in contemporary American society, examine a broad range of American domestic and international military relationships, and study the environment in which American national security policy is developed and implemented. Cadets competing for a commission are required to attend the leadership lab at which leadership and management theories are applied. Cadets also participate in planning, organizing, directing, and managing the cadet corps.

During this program, cadets also have the opportunity to pursue professional development and participate in other military service programs. The Air Force pays the cadet to work and learn, providing housing, meals, and transportation.

Prerequisites for Aerospac 335, 336, 441, 442 are as follows: completion of 2 credits (1 each) of Aerospac 111, 112, 2 credits (1 each) of Aerospac 223, 224 at least 2 semesters of Leadership Lab and at least 2 credits of Aerospac 191A

Air Force ROTC Scholarships

Up to four-year Air Force ROTC scholarships are available on a competitive basis to qualifying high school and college students. Scholarship recipients are selected using the whole person concept. This includes objective factors (grade point average) and subjective considerations (interview evaluation). In selected academic areas, scholarships may be extended to meet a five-year degree program recognized by the university. Most scholarships cover full college tuition, most laboratory fees, and mandatory fees and include a tax-free allowance during the school year ranging from $300 to $500 per month, as well as an annual $900 textbook allowance. Additional competitive, small scholarships are available to cadets on a semesterly basis.


Eligible veterans may enroll in Air Force ROTC while in college, complete degree requirements, and earn an Air Force commission. Veterans can use their GI Bill or veteran’s benefits, receive the tax-free allowance, and compete for other scholarships and financial aid programs.