The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

105 Biology of Social Issues (BS) (2nd sem)

108 Biodiversity (BS) (1st sem)

109 Evolution Explained (1st sem) 4 cr

110 Introductory Biology for Science Majors (2nd sem)

151 Introductory Biology I (BS) (both sem) 4 cr

152 Introductory Biology II (BS) (both sem)

153 Introductory Biology Laboratory (both sem) 2 cr

280 Evolution: Diversity of Life Through Time (both sem)

282 Phage Bioinformatics (1st sem)

284 Genetics Laboratory (both sem) 2 cr

285 Cell and Molecular Biology (both sem)

287 Introductory Ecology (both sem)

288 Introductory Physiology (both sem)

311 General Genetics (both sem)

312 Writing in Biology (both sem)

335 Topics in Plant Biology (1st sem)

372 Introductory Neurobiology (both sem)

379H Genomics and Bioinformatics (2 sem)

383H Gene and Genome Analysis (2nd sem) 4 cr

385H Cell and Molecular Biology Lab (2nd sem)

388 Neurobiology and Physiology Lab (2nd sem) 2 cr

401 Great Papers in Biology (2nd sem)

422 Field Ecology: An Experimental Approach (1st sem) 4 cr

424 Marine Biology (2nd sem) 4 cr

426 New England Flora (1st sem)

427 How to Make a Perfect Plant (alt years)

447 Insect Diversity Lab (alt years)

475 Plant Cell Biology (2nd sem)

476 Evolutionary Genomics and Bioinformatics (1st sem)

477H Bioimaging (1st sem) 4 cr

478 Human Genome Analysis (2nd sem)

479 Genomics and Data Science (alt years)

484 Cancer Genetics (2nd sem)

486H Tackling Biomedical Problems with Molecular Biology (2nd sem)

489 Animal Movement (1st sem)

494LI Life After Biology (both sem) 1cr

501 The Human Microbiome in Health and Disease (1st sem)

510 Plant Physiology (1st sem) 4 cr

514 Population Genetics (2nd sem)

523 Histology (2nd sem) 4 cr

528 Principles of Evolution (1st sem)

542 Ichthyology (1st sem) 4 cr

544 Ornithology (2nd sem) 4 cr

548 Mammalogy (2nd sem) 4 cr

550 Animal Behavior (both sem) 4 cr

551 Animal Communication (1st sem)

552 Neural Basis of Animal Behavior (2nd sem)

559 Cell and Molecular Biology II (2nd sem)

564 Human Physiology (2nd sem)

567 Comparative Animal Physiology (2nd sem)

568 Endocrinology (1st sem)

572 Neurobiology (1st sem)

579 Developmental Neurobiology (1st sem)

580 Developmental Biology (1st sem)

582 DNA to Diversity: Evolution and Development of Animal Form (1st sem)

583 Advanced Genetics (1st sem)

586 Cellular Biology of Disease (2nd sem)