The Major

The Chemical Engineering undergraduate program is focused on the achievement of a set of educational objectives.  Within a few years of graduation, our students are expected to:

(a) achieve positions of leadership* within industry and related sectors by applying their knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering in the professional practice of Chemical Engineering and allied professions after graduation;


(b) enter and excel in research positions in post-graduation careers following graduate or professional school; and c) provide leadership* in the professional field through a knowledge of the needs, trends, and directions of contemporary and emerging technologies.

The curriculum is organized around a set of expected program outcomes. Graduates are expected to be able to: identify, formulate, and solve complex (chemical) engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science (particularly chemistry), and mathematics; apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors; communicate effectively with a range of audiences; recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in (chemical) engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental, and societal contexts; function effectively on a team whose members together provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives; develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions; acquire and apply new knowledge as needed, using appropriate learning strategies.

*Leadership is defined broadly and includes producing useful change by developing and communicating a vision, convincing people to buy in, and empowering others. Leadership may be technical, project oriented, community/outreach oriented or organizational in nature.




ENGLWRIT 112 College Writing
MATH 131 Calculus I
CHEM 111 General Chemistry I
ENGIN 100, 110 or 111 or 112 or 113 or 114 or 197E
Social World Elective #1
First Year Seminar


MATH 132 Calculus II
CHEM 112 General Chemistry
PHYSICS 151 General Physics I



CHEM-ENG 226 Thermodynamics I
PHYSICS 152 General Physics II
CHEM 261 Organic Chemistry for Non-majors I
CHEM-ENG 220 ChE Principles of Biological Systems or BIOLOGY 151 Introductory Biology I
MATH 233 Multivariable Calculus 1


CHEM-ENG 325 Thermodynamics II
CHEM 262 Organic Chemistry II for Non-majors
CHEM 269 Organic Lab for Non-majors
MATH 331 Ordinary Differential Equations
CHEM-ENG 231 Mathematical Modeling



CHEM-ENG 330 Fluid Mechanics
CHEM-ENG 475 or CHEM 475 Physical Chemistry
CHEM-ENG 320 Kinetics and Reactor Design
ENGIN 351 Writing in Engineering
Technical Elective


Technical Elective
CHEM-ENG 333 Heat and Mass Transfer
CHEM-ENG 338 Separations
Advanced Chemistry Elective
Social World Elective #2



CHEM-ENG 401 Chemical Engineering Lab I
CHEM-ENG 444 Chemical Process Design I
CHEM-ENG 446 Chemical Process Control
Social World Elective #3


CHEM-ENG 402 Chemical Engineering Lab II
CHEM-ENG 447 Chem Process Design Project

Two Technical Electives
Social World Elective #4

In addition to fulfilling course requirements, all seniors must complete a survey, before graduation, that assesses their undergraduate education.


  1. Mathematics sequence: MATH 131, 132, 233, 331
  2. Chemistry sequence: CHEM 111 and 112 may be replaced by CHEM 121H and 122H. CHEM 261, 262 and 269 may be replaced by CHEM 265, 266, 267, and 268.
  3. The curriculum is designed to afford flexibility in the senior year for elective courses. 
  4. No course taken on a pass/fail basis may be applied to General Education, major or PR-ENGIN requirements.
  5. Course prerequisites should be checked and may require obtaining a minimum grade to satisfy the prerequisite requirement.

Writing Requirement

The successful completion of the Writing requirement will require: Completion of ENGLWRIT 112 with a C or better and completion of ENGIN 351.