The Major

The student chooses either the B.A. or the B.S. curriculum and may select from a wide range of courses within each option. Both provide the opportunity for the pursuit of coursework in other academic areas, the B.A. more than the B.S. It is expected that, by the end of the first year, students, in consultation with a faculty adviser, will select the curriculum most suitable to their goals. Students entering as of September 1, 2015 will be required to take BIO 151.

Bachelor of Science Curriculum Requirements

The B.S. curriculum requires the courses noted below. A typical schedule is outlined. Some flexibility is possible, but early foundation courses should not be delayed. The upper-level chemistry requirements include an independent project following the guidelines of the Undergraduate Program Director, plus a minimum of twelve credits of upper-level lecture and laboratory courses from those given on the B.S. curriculum list available from the department. A B.S. graduate whose program includes CHEM 423 and two Group A CHEM upper electives will be certified to the American Chemical Society.

PHYSICS 181 and 182 may be substituted for PHYSICS 151 and 152, a substitution encouraged for students interested in chemical physics. A student who elects the PHYSICS 181-182 sequence should take PHYSICS 181 in the first semester of the freshman year.

CHEM 121H Honors General Chemistry or CHEM 123JH/LF Accelerated General Chemistry 
MATH 131 Calculus I
CHEM 122H Honors General Chemistry or CHEM 123LS Accelerated General Chemistry lab
MATH 132 Calculus II
PHYSICS 151 General Physics I with lab

BIOLOGY 151 Intro Biol I Fall or Spring

CHEM 265/267 Organic Chemistry I with lab
CHEM 291A Sophomore Seminar
MATH 233 Multivariate Calculus
PHYSICS 152 General Physics II with lab
CHEM 266/268 Organic Chemistry II with lab
CHEM 315 Quantitative Analysis

CHEM 341 Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 330 Writing in Chemistry
CHEM 475/477 Physical Chemistry I with lab
CHEM 342 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 476 Physical Chemistry II

CHEM 388 or CHEM 499Y/T Independent Research
Upper-level chemistry courses**
**A total of at least 12 credits of upper-level chemistry courses must be taken during the junior and senior years. The 12 credits are a minimum of 2 credits from Group A list and a minimum of 2 credits from Group B list provided by the Chemistry department. The independent project is not included in this total.

Note: CHEM 388 must be taken for a B.S. degree.
CHEM 499Y and 499T may be substituted for CHEM 388.
CHEM 496 cannot be substituted for CHEM 388.

Bachelor of Arts Curriculum Requirements

The B.A. curriculum offers increased flexibility in the choice of electives. Where options exist, the option recommended is noted by an asterisk (*). A typical schedule is outlined. Some flexibility is possible, but early foundation courses should not be delayed.

CHEM 121H Honors General Chemistry or CHEM 123JH/LF Accelerated General Chemistry*
MATH 127 or 131 Calculus I
CHEM 122H Honors General Chemistry or CHEM 123LS Accelerated General Chemistry lab*
MATH 128 or 132 Calculus II
PHYSICS 131 Intro Physics I with lab or 151 General Physics I with lab

BIOLOGY 151 Intro Biol I Fall or Spring

CHEM 265/267 Organic Chemistry I with lab
CHEM 291A Sophomore Seminar
PHYSICS 132 Intro Physics II with lab or 152 General Physics II with lab
CHEM 266/268 Organic Chemistry II with lab
CHEM 315 Quantitative Analysis

CHEM 341 Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 330 Writing in Chemistry
CHEM 342 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory
CHEM 471 Elementary Physical Chemistry (or CHEM 475 Physical Chem I offered Fall and CHEM 476 Physical Chem II offered Spring)

Fall and Spring

*CHEM 111/112 may substitute (not recommended).
**CHEM 475 and CHEM 476 must both be taken, if substituted for CHEM 471.
*** Nine credits of elective courses, a minimum of 3 credits from a Group A list provided by the Chemistry Department and a minimum of 3 credits from a Group B departmental list. Other electives not on this departmental list, by petition.

Departmental Website: