The Major

Geology majors take courses in the geosciences (GEOL, GEOG and GEOSCI) and supporting science and math courses; as a whole, these courses provide you with a solid foundation in the science of geology and its application to real-world problems. On graduation, geology majors are equipped to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of Earth’s composition, history and processes
  • Develop key skills in geology and related fields
  • Practice scientific and applied problem-solving
  • Communicate geologic information in diverse forms
  • Apply their knowledge and skills to advanced systems-level thinking and real-world problem solving.

Students choose from the B.S. or B.A. curriculum.

All students majoring in Geology are required to maintain a 2.000 average for all upper-division courses taken to fulfill degree requirements. The Junior Year Writing requirement is fulfilled by GEOL 307 Geologic Writing or NatSi 387 CNS Junior Writing. The Integrative Experience is fulfilled by a GEOL 394LI.

Requirements: B.S. Degree in Geology

The Bachelor of Science degree in Geology is intended to provide a strong education in physical, historical and surficial geology, designed for students who wish to pursue professional careers or further education in geology.

Two separate Bachelor of Science subplans are available: The Geology Subplan and Earth Science Subplan.  The Geology Subplan is broadly intended for scientific or technical careers, while Earth Science Subplan is designed for students planning on careers in secondary education.

B.S. Degree, Geology Subplan

Geology core courses (29 credits):

Choose two of:

  • GEOL 101 – The Earth
  • GEOL 103 – Intro Oceanography
  • GEOL 105 – Dynamic Earth
  • GEOGRAPH 110 – Intro to Climate Science
  • GEOL 231 – Methods in Geosciences
  • GEOL 285 – Environmental Geology
  • GEOL 311 – Earth Materials and Environments
  • GEOL 351 – Skills and Methods in Earth History Studies
  • GEOL 394LI – Earth History: Life, Climate, Environment*
  • GEOG 354 – Climate Dynamics
  • GEOL 431 – Structural Geology

* fulfills Integrative Experience requirement

Supporting science courses (min. 27 credits):

  • CHEM 111 – General Chemistry I
  • CHEM 112 – General Chemistry IIMATH 127 or 131 – Calculus I
  • MATH 128 or 132 – Calculus IPHYSICS 131 or 151 – Intro Physics I
  • PHYSICS 132 or 152 – Intro Physics II
  • GEOL 307 – Geologic Writing or NATSCI 387 – CNS Junior Year Writing

Electives (16 credits):

Choose from 300- and 400-level GEOLOGY courses, 500- and 600-level GEOSCI courses, and 300- to 600-level GEOGRAPHY courses in physical geography and GIST. Examples of elective courses include:

  • GEOL 319 - Environmental Geochemistry

  • GEOL 321 – Petrology
  • GEOL 331 – Geologic Mapping
  • GEOL 415 – Global Chem & Environment Cycles
  • GEOL 445 – Sedimentology
  • GEOL 494LI – Living on Earth
  • GEOGRAPH 352 – Computer Mapping
  • GEOGRAPH 426 – Remote Sensing
  • GEOGRAPH 468 – GIS & Spatial Analysis
  • GEOGRAPH 560 – Geomorphology
  • GEOGRAPH 585 – Intro to GIS
  • GEOSCI 510 – Natural Hazards
  • GEOSCI 519 – Aqueous & Environmental Geochemistry
  • GEOSCI 531 – Tectonics
  • GEOSCI 552 – Climate Change Impacts & Solutions
  • GEOSCI 554 – Ocean Dynamics
  • GEOSCI 556 – Climate & Earth System Modeling
  • GEOSCI 557 – Coastal Processes
  • GEOSCI 558 – Paleoclimatology
  • GEOSCI 559 – Paleoceanography
  • GEOSCI 563 – Glacial Geology
  • GEOSCI 571 – General Geophysics
  • GEOSCI 572 – Time Series Analysis
  • GEOSCI 573 – Environmental Geophysics
  • GEOSCI 579 – Data Analysis & Programming
  • GEOSCI 587 – Hydrogeology

Many Special Topics Courses and Seminars are taught each semester and count towards electives credits.  Additionally, GEOL 396 and GEOL 496 independent studies and GEOL 499P/T/T Honors Thesis Research credits count towards electives credits.

B.S. Degree, Earth Science Subplan

The Earth Science Subplan is recommended to students interested in teaching at the secondary school level, or in pursuing graduate studies leading to the M.A.T. or M.Ed. degrees. The program requires completion of courses (some specified) comprising four blocks. The Basic Earth Science Block (13 cr) requires GEOL 101 and 103 and ASTRON 100 and ASTRON 105. The Supporting Sciences Block requires at least one course in biology (BIOLOGY 103, 110, or 151), at least one course in calculus (MATH 127, 131), two semesters of chemistry (CHEM 111-112, or equivalent), and two semesters of physics (PHYSICS 131-132 or 151-152). The required courses in the Geology Block (15 cr) are GEOL 201, 231, 311, and 321. An Electives Block (9 cr) consists of upper-division courses in Geology, Geosciences or Physical Geography (courses numbered 300 and above). 

Teacher Certification: Undergraduate students must achieve a passing score on the Communication and Literacy Skills Test of the Massachusetts Educator Certification Tests (MECT) prior to admission into professional preparation programs for educators. In addition to meeting other preparation program requirements, each student in a program for which there is an MECT Subject Test must pass the appropriate Subject Test as a prerequisite for enrolling in his or her practicum.

For further information about the procedures leading to teacher certification in Massachusetts, students should follow the guidelines in the Secondary Teacher Education Program (STEP) available at the School of Education.

Geology core courses (25 credits):

Choose two of:

  • GEOL 101 – The Earth
  • GEOL 103 – Intro Oceanography
  • GEOL 105 – Dynamic Earth
  • GEOL 231 – Methods in Geosciences
  • GEOL 285 – Environmental Geology
  • GEOL 311 – Earth Materials and Environments
  • GEOL 321 – Petrology
  • GEOL 351 – Skills and Methods in Earth History Studies
  • GEOL 394LI – Earth History: Life, Climate, Environment*

* fulfills Integrative Experience requirement

Supporting science courses (35 credits):

  • ASTRON 100 – Exploring the Universe
  • BIOL 110 – Intro Bio for Science Majors*
  • CHEM 111 – General Chemistry I
  • CHEM 112 – General Chemistry II
  • MATH 127 or 131 – Calculus I
  • MATH 128 or 132 – Calculus II
  • PHYSICS 131 or 151 – Intro Physics I
  • PHYSICS 132 or 152 – Intro Physics II
  • GEOL 307 – Geologic Writing or NATSCI 387 – CNS Junior Year Writing

*BIOL 151 also accepted

Electives (9 credits):

As listed above. Choose from 300- and 400-level GEOLOGY courses, 500- and 600-level GEOSCI courses, and 300- to 600-level GEOGRAPHY courses in physical geography and GIST. 

Requirements: B.A. Degree in Geology

The Bachelor of Arts in Geology degree is intended to provide a strong background in geology while allowing sufficient flexibility to pursue other areas as well. This degree is suitable as a second major or for students who intended to pursue careers in geology-related communications, law, public policy, or business. Note that the B.A. in Geology requires completion of a UMass foreign language requirement; see for more details. Note also that university regulations preclude students from applying more than two classes to two credentials, so students pursuing two degrees (e.g. B.S. Geology and a B.S. in another program) can only apply two courses to both degrees.

Geology core courses (11 credits):

Choose one of:

  • GEOL 101 – The Earth
  • GEOL 103 – Intro Oceanography
  • GEOL 105 – Dynamic Earth
  • GEOL 231 – Methods in Geosciences
  • GEOL 351 – Skills and Methods in Earth History Studies
  • GEOL 394LI – Earth History: Life, Climate, Environment*

* fulfills Integrative Experience requirement

Supporting science courses (18 credits):

  • GEOL 307 – Geologic Writing or NATSCI 387 – CNS Junior Year Writing

Select 15 credits of additional supporting science courses from programs in the College of Natural Science chosen in consultation with an academic advisor. 

Electives (18 credits):

As listed above. Choose from 300- and 400-level GEOLOGY courses, 500- and 600-level GEOSCI courses, and 300- to 600-level GEOGRAPHY courses in physical geography and GIST.