The Field

History is the study of the past based on finding, evaluating, and interpreting recorded evidence. It is a discipline that seeks both to understand the past in its own terms and to explain the present in light of the past. Historical fields are usually defined by period, place, and theme—for example, modern American cultural history. The history curriculum is intended to encourage the exploration of the past in a variety of fields and to foster the skills necessary to discover and express effectively an understanding of the past. Generally, courses of greater breadth are offered at the 100 level and courses of greater depth are offered at the upper levels. Often, but not always, the higher the level the smaller the class. The department offers honors courses at all levels and encourages qualified majors to enroll in Commonwealth Honors College and/or to write senior theses. History honors courses are generally taught as seminars. Students in the major must complete a Junior Year Writing seminar, as well as a history methods course. Majors also have the opportunity to pursue concentrations informally, either in a pre-defined area or on an individualized basis. 

The department offers a variety of prizes, internships, scholarships, and extracurricular activities to reward academic achievement in history and to enrich classroom learning. A history club, organized and run by students, is open to both majors and non-majors. Club activities include trips to historic sites, movies, and social events. History students also run the History Ungraduate Journal, which offers majors the opportunity to publish their own work and gain experience as editors. The national history honor society, Phi Alpha Theta, has a chapter at the University. Any undergraduate or graduate student with a GPA in history of 3.100 or above, with at least 12 completed history credits and a general GPA of at least 3.000, may apply. The department also encourages majors to take part in study abroad programs.