The Minor


  • 5 courses in Comparative Literature. One course may be at the 100 level and one at the 200 level, or two courses may be at the 200 level. At least three must be at or above the 300 level.
  • One year (6 credits) of university-level study of a language other than English, or the equivalent.
  • Stipulations:
    • Pass/fail courses may not be applied to the minor (exceptions may be made for courses taken pass/fail during the Covid-19 pandemic).
    • GPA in the minor must be at least 2.0.
    • Only three credits of independent study coursework may be counted toward the minor.
    • A maximum of six transfer credits in Comparative Literature may be applied. Only credits awarded by Transfer Affairs may be considered. Transfer credits must be approved by the Undergraduate Studies Committee; the student should address a petition to the Undergraduate Studies Committee, attaching course syllabi if available. Contact the Undergraduate Program Director at for details.

Language Proficiency

Native speakers of English: For the Comparative Literature minor, students must complete a minimum of 6 credits (one year) of university-level study of a language other than English. Equivalent coursework completed in high school or elsewhere may be used to satisfy this requirement; students should check with the Undergraduate Program Director for details.

Native speakers of languages other than English: No additional language coursework is required. The student must be proficient enough in English to fulfill the written and oral requirements of upper-level Comparative Literature courses.

Questions regarding this and any of the other requirements for the minor should be directed to Professor Rachel Green, Undergraduate Program Director in Comparative Literature, at

Minor Contact and Advising

Please meet with the Undergraduate Program Director in Comparative Literature (Professor Rachel Green,; 516 Herter Hall) for minor advising and to declare a minor.