The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

101 People and Their Language (SBDU) (both sem) 4 cr

190A Language Acquisition and Human Nature

201 How Language Works:  Introduction to Linguistic Theory (R2) (both sem)

305 Writing for Linguistics (JYW)

330 The Structure of English and Language Teaching

350 Syntax and the Dialects of English (JYW)

370 Sounds of Englishes (SBDU) (1st sem) 4 cr

389 Introduction to African American English  (IE)  4 cr

391B Indigenous Languages of North America (1st sem)

392A Dream of a Perfect Language

394BI Language and Cognition (IE)

397B Discourse Analysis

401 Introduction to Syntax (both sem)

402 Speech Sounds and Structure

404 Field Methods  (IE) 4 cr

411 Introduction to Language Acquisition (2nd sem) 4 cr

412 Language Processing and the Brain (1st sem) (IE)

414 Introduction to Phonetics for Linguists  4 cr

492A Seminar in Phonology

495C Morphology

503 Intermediate Syntax (2nd sem)

505 Introduction to Historical Linguistics

509 Introduction to Computational Linguistics (1st sem)

510 Introduction to Semantics (both sem) 4 cr

590A Quantitative Methods

594A Structure of African American English (2nd sem)