The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

113 Introduction to Engineering, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

123 Engineering Economics

124 Computational Approaches to Engineering Problems

201 Introduction to Materials Science

210 Statics

211 Strength of Materials I

230 Thermodynamics I

272 Fundamentals of Data Visualization

273 Probability and Statistics for Engineers 

274 H Disease Simulation Modeling

302 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory I

310 Dynamics

313 Design of Mechanical Components 

340 Fluid Mechanics I

344 Modeling and Analysis of System Dynamics

354 Heat Transfer

360 Human Factors Engineering I

373 Introduction to Simulation Methods

375 Manufacturing Processes

379 Deterministic Operations Research

380 Operations Research II

381 Inclusive Design in Healthcare

395A Seminar Engineering Professionalism for MEs (1 cr)

395C Seminar Industrial Engineering Professionalism (1 cr)

398 T Engineering Instruction Practicum

402 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory II (4 cr)

413 Design of Mechanical Assemblies

414 Industry-Sponsored Mechanical Design

415 Design of Mechanical Systems I

422 Statistical Quality Control

440 Aerospace Fluid Mechanics

441 Internal Combustion Engines

442 Propulstion Systems Performance

443 Mechatronics

458 Connections in Medicine, Biology and Engineering

477 Production Planning and Control

478 IE Capstone Design

485 Vibrations

492 Senior Seminar for IEs

496 Independent Study

510 Feedback Control Systems

522 Predictive Analytics and Statistical Learning

524 Machine Learning for Dynamic Decision-Making

532 Network Optimization

550 Vehicle Automation

553 Industrial Automation

556 Augmented and Virtual Reality Design

562 Power Systems Design

565 Operations Research in Health Care

570 Solar & Dir Energy Conversion

571 Physical and Chemical Processing of Materials

572 Physical and Chemical Processing of Materials Laboratory

573 Engineering of Windpower Systems

578 Supply Chain Logistics

585 Engineering Law and Ethics