The Courses

(All courses carry 3 credits unless otherwise noted.)

130 Nutrition for a Healthy Lifestyle (BS) (both sem) 4 cr

130H Nutrition for a Healthy Lifestyle (BS) (both sem) 4 cr (for Commonwealth Honors College students only)

201 Introduction to the Profession of Nutrition (spr sem) 1 cr

210 Scientific Food Principles and Meal Planning (spr sem) 4 cr

230 Fundamentals of Nutrition Science (both sem)

352 Nutrition in the Life Cycle (fall sem)

372 Writing in Nutrition (both sem)

397A Eating Disorders (elective)

430 Nutrition and Metabolism (2nd sem)

572 Community Nutrition (fall sem)

575 Culture, Nutrition and Health (elective)

577 Nutritional Problems in the U.S. (both sem)

578 International Nutrition (elective)

580 Medical Nutrition Therapy I (fall sem) 4 cr

581 Medical Nutrition Therapy II (spr sem) 4 cr

585 Practical Skills in Nutrition Counseling (spr sem)

597G ST Nutrition and Food Policy (elective)

597S ST Nutrition and Cancer Prevention (elective)